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Everything posted by Loren

  1. Yeah, you are right I forgot about the intake temp code - normal with the MAF disconnected. Did you get the right MAF sensor? Should be a 996.606.123.00 (can't find the Bosch number right now...)
  2. Sounds like not enough air - DME 5.2.2 right? Did you use the C2 throttle body or the C4 eGas throttle body? If you clear the codes and disconnect the MAF the car should run mostly fine and you will get a MAF code (P0101 I think). Then see if you still get other codes.
  3. The old intermittent relay should be part number 996.615.103.00. It may not be be in position 16 depending on your cars options. There is only one relay with that part number - so if you can find it replace it with the rain sensor relay.
  4. Replace your car? I've yet to see a problem that can't be corrected. Tell us more about the history. 6 Speed or Tip? Any mods to the car? Has it been doing this since day one? How many attempts has the dealer made? Did they keep the car and drive it for a few days? What have they replaced? Did their shop PIWIS tester show any codes?
  5. The reason I asked about other electrical issues is that mechanically and electrically it seems to work. You said you could close the door lock the car - then unlock it and it worked properly. Yet when you left the car for some time and came back it did not work. Here is how that alarm circuit works: So one possibility is that the alarm circuit seems to think the door is closed (it locks activation when the door is closed too). I guess you could try disconnecting the battery (save you radio stations and radio code first). Leave it disconnected for 5 minutes to be sure memory is cleared - then re-connect it and test again. Also, after disconnecting the battery the DME will need to relearn it's idle process - so the car may run a little rough but that will go away in a few minutes.
  6. Probably. Since it is also an add-on option I suspect it can be removed. You may need a console (leather) piece to replace where the phone was.
  7. Are you having any other electrical anomalies? Does the alarm beep once when you lock the car?
  8. The lamps from a GT3 RS will not fit a mk1 GT3 without changing the front bumper, lamps (and wiring), and both front fenders. Litronics (Xenon) kits are sold here in the states for about $1000 - $1200 new. If you are lucky you might find some on eBay - but I doubt it as they are pretty popular.
  9. There is a TSB that describes the installation - TSBs are available to view online here to Contributing Members.
  10. You are re-connecting the electrical connections to the locking solenoids right?
  11. The PST2 Porsche part number is: 000 721 958 80. You will find a complete list of all part numbers (Porsche and Bosch) near the end (Section 8) of the built-in operation instructions (F1 - Help from the first screen). In the US parts list the PST2 is there -- but it is not on the US price list.
  12. Very interesting... We were told by two different dealers here in the US that PST2 is no longer sold or supported. Do you know if they are still selling PST2 in Europe - and software updates?
  13. You got any information that we can look at about this software? What are the hardware reqs? Thanks, Darren Have a look at this thread.
  14. Yes, MY99 and MY00 share all the same wiring colors.
  15. The PST2 will work "somewhat" for a 997/987 with limited capabilities. To do that, you do need version 24 of the PST2 software. There are several controller functions in the new 997/987 that PST2 does not even see.
  16. Not really, the whole latch has to come out. Re-install requires a realignment of the latch too. If you you have a volt meter you can check the circuit that way.
  17. You will need a PST, PIWIS or a new software product (that I am currently reviewing) from Durametric Diagnostic Software. The code reported (and read by any of these tools) should tell you what caused the airbag light. If your MY99 car has never had the seat belt buckle and connector TSB done then it is likely that it needs to be done now. Chances are one of the troublesome connections on the buckles or the wiring connectors is making poor contact. The TSB replaces the connectors (in both the buckles and wiring harness) with gold contact connectors that fix the problem for good in almost all cases.
  18. Folks - please - back on topic (so I don't have to close this thread)... thanks!
  19. The DME learns certain aspects of driving habits but not PSM. That is, not directly - PSM makes changes based on DME input (as well as ABS, engine speed sensors, rotational (lateral acceleration) sensor, steering angle sensor and brake pressure sensor). To my knowledge you can not change any map in the PSM system.
  20. If the switch is not off, and the bulb is good then chances are it is the microswitch on the front hood latch. If it is the microswitch I would think you would also get an alarm beep when you set the alarm (signifying a zone is open).
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