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Everything posted by Loren

  1. Remove the speaker cover. Then access the screw at the bottom.
  2. Loren, is this carbon build up/ idle control valve part common causes of problems on the Boxster? Also, how does one go about fixing these two potential problem causers? Should I just remove the throttle body and blow compressed air on it? How about the idle control valve? Where is it located? Can I clean it or replace it? Thank you for the tip Loren. James What year is your car (so I know whether it is egas or not)?
  3. For horizontal - find the middle of the lid - left to right. Center the logo from the middle. For vertical - measure from the bottom of the lid not the spoiler or bumper. The lid itself is not rounded like your picture.
  4. Sounds like a bad installation. There is a right way and a wrong way to do the RMS replacement.
  5. I am pretty sure this under Memory Seat programming - so if your car has Memory Seats then anyone with a PST2 (or PIWIS) tester can change the coding.
  6. By nothing do you mean the doors do not lock and the alarm is not set? or have you opened the door to see if the alarm goes off?
  7. Do you get any "beeps" when you lock the car with the remote?
  8. The exact placement is covered here.
  9. Idle Control Valve and/or carbon build up on the throttle butterfly?
  10. We have updated the Boxster (986) External Paint Colors chart with new/updated information. That chart is here.
  11. Well, if it were low enough or you had air in the lines then it could cause erratic actuations. In the TT the clutch master and salve cylinders operate on a separate circuit from the brakes (hence the Pentosin CHF 11 S fluid instead of brake fluid)... so, the brakes could feel fine while the clutch could feel mushy or erratic. If it is leaking then I would first find the source of the leak then once that is fixed bleed the system at the slave cylinder and top up the fluid.
  12. I was wondering who would be the first to discover the RennTech Smilie ;)
  13. I don't see the kit (000.044.801.46) in the parts list anymore but I think you can still get the parts: 996.731.982.00.01C Interior dimming mirror (satin black) MY99-00 996.612.984.00 Wiring harness N.020.909.4 Tie wraps 92 mm x 2.4 wide (7 required) 999.513.054.40 Tie wraps (large)
  14. Did you try using the Search feature here? http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?s...indpost&p=16992
  15. So... why do we have a picture of a Nissan engine here? Please re-read the board Guidelines/Rules.
  16. Hello again, the new seal is leaking, i told you already a few days ago. my 996 has about 100.000 km or 62.000 miles and is from 1999. No warrenty or updated warrenty. But i have a full Porsche service history. The news: Offer from Porsche: kompletely new machine for 50% cost (4500 Dollars) This is very ok. Im looking forward to it. :jump: --bob So, you are getting a new/exchange engine for half the cost? Sounds like a very good deal to me. :beer:
  17. Yes, I think I can activate it with my PST2 -- as long we know all your audio options and you hooked up the fiber optic cable(s).
  18. http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?s...indpost&p=22025
  19. Sorry, for the problem. The error has been corrected.
  20. http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=4871
  21. Here is a pic from a US/Canada car. Green cap is the clutch master cylinder (blue is windshield/headlight washers). (photo courtesy of Tool Pants)
  22. Sounds like the throttle body is "carboned up". It likely needs to be cleaned as well as the Idle Control Valve. Do a search here for cleaning tips.
  23. The TT clutch master cylinder uses Pentosin CHF 11 S. Do you have a picture of the "sweating"?
  24. What happens when you use the central door locking dash switch? Does the alarm beep once when you lock the car with the remote? Is the car a US/Canada car or RoW?
  25. I wouldn't worry about dents but I would shake them for rattles. If they rattle chances are you have a broken internal weld. If not, I would use them as is.
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