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Everything posted by Loren

  1. The Boxster maintenance should be pretty much the same as the Carrera - based on model year. I just got a newer version of the Boxster service manual - so I'll have to check there. Edit - Just added the Boxster (986) Maintenance Checklists. You can find them here.
  2. If you use the factory recommended tires/tire sizes (for the wheel size) you will not have any problems.
  3. Center console compartment or door compartment?
  4. Flash it to what? There is only one Porsche DME program for a MY99 Carrera. If you mean buy an aftermarket chip - then my only advice is to choose a shop that will give you a dyno run from your own car - proving the before HP (at the rear wheels) and after HP (at the rear wheels).
  5. The beep says one or more zones is open. Most common causes are center console lid, front trunk microswitch, 3rd party radio installed without disconnecting the built-in radio alarm trigger... but it could be any triggering switch/zone. The fastest way to tell for sure is with a PST2 - it will tell exactly which zone is open. If you can't find find it easily let me know and I can hook my PST2 up to your car (since you are local).
  6. US, Canada or RoW car?
  7. You will want to get some carburetor cleaner and a lint free rag to clean the throttle body and butterfly (1). You will likely want to remove and clean the idle control valve (3) too. If the (insides) of the valve does not turn freely then it may need to be replaced. To remove the Idle Control Valve just disconnect the electrical connector, then remove the two (allen head - I think) screws. Be careful to not lose or damage the paper gasket (16) that fits between the valve and the throttle body. This is an egas throttle body that we cleaned at a work on cars day - your's won't look quite the same but the carbon build up on this one made the car idle erratically. I should of held the butterfly open so you could see how badly carbon'ed up the inside of the throttle body was. (Tool Pant's image)
  8. According to the Cayenne install TSB some Cayenne's may not need to be coded. It may also depend on what other options are already on the car.
  9. That should not hurt anything.
  10. Check the connector too. A bad connection, shorted or grounded wire can cause that also.
  11. Just to let you everyone know. The folks at Durametric Software have just announced an "Introductory Price of $197 - including shipping". I have not completed the evlauation of the software yet (I've done DME 5.2.2 ). Bad weather has delayed the DME 7.2 and 7.8 tests. It reads faults and resets codes - including airbag, alarm, ABS, and A/C (and DME of course). My early opinion is that the software does what they say it will do and... is very easy to use. If you are looking for an uncomplicated tool this might be it!
  12. The part number for the nozzles for a MY00 car are: 996.628.333.00 Left Nozzle -- retail $102.83 (as of January 2006) 996.628.334.00 Right Nozzle -- retail $102.83 (as of January 2006) Prices above are list prices so they are charging you more than MSRP. Try Sunset Imports (Porsche Parts at Dealer cost) for better prices. The bumper should not need to come off - even if it did it is a 20 minute job at most. Here is the procedure from the service manual:
  13. Ask the folks at Wheel Enhancement (310) 836-8908. I'm sure they know all teh wheel weights.
  14. Correct part number for a MY02 TT is 996.606.124.00. Does the Vflow intake have an "oiled" air filter? If so, remove it and wrap it in newspaper overnight to absorb the excess oil. Have you tried cleaning the MAF with a commercially available electronics cleaner? Do a search here for "cleaning the MAF" as this has been covered by many folks.
  15. P0103 Mass Air Flow Sensor - Above Upper Limit - Short circuit to B+. Did you recently install a K&N or BMC oiled air filter? A new MAF will run you about $240 from Sunset Imports (Porsche Parts at Dealer Cost).
  16. This is an RoW car right? Any water under the seat in the alarm control box? Maybe Tool Pants has some ideas but it sounds like the whole alarm/central locking control is out.
  17. US or Row car? I know US cars blink twice on arm and disarm but I don't know about RoW cars.
  18. Take the battery out of the remote and install it backwards - only for about 10 seconds. The re-install correctly. This should re-boot the remote and if the remote is good then it should work. If not, you need a new remote.
  19. There is no programming setting for that. Just leave your center console cover slightly ajar. That will trigger a fault beep when you lock the car.
  20. What happens when you lock and unlock the car with the key?
  21. The GT2 is 2WD and the TT is 4WD plus the GT2 is lighter -- so the GT2 swaybars are actually smaller. For example the (US) rear swaybars on a TT are 21.70 mm and the rear swaybars on a GT2 are 20.77 mm. Maybe try the RoW X75 rear swaybars for TT that are 22.50 mm. I am not sure of the RoW X75 swaybar size for the front but I'm pretty sure they are larger than US stock.
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