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Everything posted by Loren

  1. Did you read my response on your other thread? OBD code 1147, cannot find Please do not double post. Crossposting is a waste of time and valuable resources. If you post the same message in multiple forums, we will delete the ones we feel are inappropriate. This duplicate post is now closed.
  2. Have a look at TSB 9/04 9112 Navigation Module For PCM 2.1 Installation Instructions - dated Jan 10, 2005. It should give you some tips since it explains how to install the GPS antenna. You remove the cowl cover from inside the front trunk. The side pieces come off like when your replace your pollen filter (see Owner's Manual). The center piece is either held on by velcro or screws I can't remember. You may need to get to the electronic storage area for wiring etc. For that there are 6 metal screws and one plastic nut (on the left side). Where are you located?
  3. It's 40 minutes to do the work after removing the transmission. Removing the tranmission takes 20-30 minutes max.
  4. cant read the thread (Porsche TSB 3531), do I have to make a donation in order to see that thread? or is there a shortcut or anything. TIA Yes, you need to be a Contributing Member to view TSBs. Since your car is under warranty your dealer should repair this. Tell your dealer to review TSB 6/05 3531 6-Speed Manual Transmission: Gear Shift Lever Does Not Return to Neutral - dated 7-29-2005. He needs to apply the fix described there - it should take about 40 minutes to do the work.
  5. TSBs are published (and sent out to subscribers) every quarter - so I am expecting them any time now.
  6. Not for the C2 (G96/00 and G96/01).
  7. There is no placement guide in the 997 Service Manual or the Aerokit Install TSB. Here is what the service manual has for the (997) Carrera and Carrera S. Carrera 1. Find the middle of the lid. 2. Position logo Carrera with the dimensions A and C Carrera logo dimension 129.6 mm+/−1 mm and B Carrera logo dimension 45 mm−1 mm and stick on lid. Carrera S 1. Find the middle of the lid. 2. Position logo Carrera with the dimensions A Carrera S logo dimension 175.6 mm+/−1 mm and B Carrera S logo distance 45 mm−1 mm and stick on lid. 3. Position logo S with the dimensions C Carrera S logo dimension 175.6 mm+/−1 mm and D Carrera S logo distance 39 mm+/−1 mm and stick on rear lid.
  8. You could use the Carrera Aerokit Cup harness here. Or rewire the pins as described in that same post.
  9. It would have been nice if you told us everything to start with... If you have a lot of smoke then oil (and/or coolant) is burning and you are going to get lots of O2 sensor codes (which you are). You need to determine and correct the cause of the smoke. Oil smoke smells like oil and coolant smoke smells sweet. or... perhaps the oil seperator was not installed properly and has slipped off?
  10. Litronic bulb change Removal 1. Switch off the light. Release the headlight housing and pull out forwards slightly. 2. Disconnect the electrical plug connection of the automatic headlight beam adjustment and remove the headlight housing. 3. Release and open the cover with control module. Unscrew the electrical plug connection on the gas discharge lamp (bayonet lock). 4. Rotate lamp fastening anti-clockwise (bayonet lock) and remove together with the gas discharge lamp. Installation 1. Install a new gas discharge lamp. Lock the cover with control module and insert the headlight housing in the wing. 2. Engage the electrical plug connection of the automatic headlight beam adjustment and lock the headlight housing in the wing. 3. Carry out function check of the headlights.
  11. Some functions can be preset using a PIWIS and some can not. Sometimes cars come with some options preset and sometimes not. IMHO... the main reason for hooking up a PIWIS (or PST2) after an install is to see if there are any trouble codes generated by the install. You won't really know if it is "required" until you try. Thank you for donation - it all helps keep to this site running.
  12. Porsche does not show that as a valid code for their cars. From the Standardized DTC to SAE J 2012 (DTC-Diagnostic Trouble Codes) generic code list that means: O2 Control (Bank 2) System too lean
  13. Porsche specs on those size wheels (for a 997 C4S) are: Front offset: 55 mm Rear offset: 67 mm or on a slightly smaller front wheel Front 19 x 8 offset 57 mm Rear 19 x 11 offset 51 mm
  14. Not as detailed as the pics but, it is your Owner's Manual too.
  15. What spoiler are you using? The TT/C4S aerokit or 3rd party? If it is 3rd party then does it have a stop light?
  16. The compuer/CD unit still comes up in the price list. 996.642.122.12.EWD COMPUTER-NAV UNIT (MY02 only) $1553.66 (as of January 2006)
  17. No, that is for CDC-4 and MY03 and newer cars.
  18. Navigation disks are available from NAVTECH. Their customer support number is 1 (888) 628-6277.
  19. Not necessarily, if there is enough carbon then it will absorb gas and make the mixture too rich on warm starts. Bottom line is that if it's dirty clean it - it can only help.
  20. We have added new Maintenance Checklists for the Boxster (986). Check it out here.
  21. If your car is egas then it should look just like the pic above. On egas cars there is nothing to disassenble. Just open the butteryfly and clean it throughly with carb cleaner.
  22. http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=7067
  23. Do a search here for "coolant tank" - unfortunately a very common fault.
  24. http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=245
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