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Everything posted by Loren

  1. I answered your question yesterday here. Please DO NOT double post - please re-read the Board Guidelines/Rules. I have Closed this duplicate topic.
  2. The Retail Price Search feature (for our Contributing Members) has been updated to reflect February 2006 pricing and 202,229 parts.
  3. I thought you just select source (the notes button) to radio then use the arrow buttons to go forward and backward - but I haven't tried it.
  4. If it was taken care at a dealership there will be records in Porsche's database - and a good dealer will look it up for you by the VIN. Again, if it was dealer maintained, Porsche calls for a yearly oil change for cars driven less than 9,000 miles per year.
  5. There are two sets of holes in the bottom of the door. One set near the handle and one set near the hinges. My understanding is that these are used to adjust he window angle to the seal. They are suggesting that you adjust the window until the seal is just tight enough that you can't pull the piece of paper out (but not loose enough that you can) - then tighten the nuts back down. Be careful not to over-tighten the nuts 7.4 ftlbs is not much.
  6. We need to get some members that really know their electronics (like Sandy) to have a look at the schematics - because I don't see a way. All the key connections are on the fiber optic bus now - so ether the 3rd party Nav providers need to catch up or one of local electronic genius's needs to help us out here.
  7. Bad news - your car does not have the optical bus (MOST system) or the MOST gateway system controller - nor will your DME (DME 5.2.2) send the proper signals (PCM2 gets some of it's data from the DME (7.8) and newer design instrument cluster). Those parts will only work in MY03 or newer car.
  8. Do you want Adjusting the door window angle in the vehicle's longitudinal direction? or Adjusting the door window height? or Adjustment of the door window pressing force on the door seal at the top and sides? or Adjusting the lower stop of the power window unit?
  9. The B&M short shifter instructions are pretty good. More info than you need - you can download them here.
  10. It looks like part of your wheel well lining is missing including the rubber lip that hangs down and the air duct for the brakes. Look at the wheel well lining diagrams and make all the parts are there. As I recall all of those items are held in place by a long self tapping screw that attaches to the bottom of the radiator bracket.
  11. Mine is an Aerokit Cup bumper (my aerokit is factory). I don't remember any metal T-shaped pieces for the bumper... maybe part of the radiator support brackets? You can find the diagrams and photos in my 3rd radiator DIY here.
  12. Help us out here... model car? year? standard front bumper or aerokit or 3rd party?
  13. Bob Grigsby RMG ENTERPRISES 960 W. El Camino Real Sunnyvale, CA 94087 (408) 738-2060 http://www.realmeangarage.com/
  14. Try re-training the windows. Hold the button down until the window goes down all the way - then do the same for the up motion. Your car may also idle rough for the first few minutes as the DME will need to re-learn the idle. And... don't forget the radio code.
  15. LOL I have no idea what was in that container. Porsche only approves the use of the synthetic gearoil specified. If you are really concerned then change to a Shell synthetic or Redline equal.
  16. You can read a fault code in the instrument cluster with a PST2 (or PIWIS tester) if there is an oil pressure sensor problem (fault code 9121). Here is the troubleshooting tree...
  17. I'm pretty sure it's Vehicle Speed Sensor. Most Boxsters have a VSS signal running to the radio. It's a Grey and Pink colored wire. Failing this pin 18 at the soft top relay also has the signal going to it. Your nav will have to have a learning feature otherwise you need to determine what the pulses per mile rate is and run an adapter if too far out. I have a nav I want to put in that doesn't have this learning function and I can't find out what the PPM rate for Porsches is, so until I can find out I'm screwed. I don't think so. On a MY05 987 all of that stuff is on the MOST/CAN fiber optic network. I don't see an external speed signal anymore in the schematics.
  18. is transmission oil. It is listed for the Boxster 97 to 06. It is should work fine a Carrera too. I would guess they have just changed vendors so a different part number.
  19. Sorry, I fixed the title of CoreyNJ's DIY. The Porsche TSB says MY03 and newer. So that would be only cars with the MOST fiber optic systems.
  20. Yes, the Cayenne Turbo has different headlight washer trim (18 and 19) and nozzles (16 and 17). You would need all four parts (left and right) to do the upgrade.
  21. Contributing Members can view the TSBs here.
  22. Excuse me for asking but... How do you know it's the thermostat? Have you cleaned the front radiators? What is the coolant level in the tank? Have you seen any leaks? I'm not saying it is not the thermostat but that would be my last choice.
  23. On a fixed spoiler/non PSM car that setting does nothing. I think that triggers the brake light on the spoiler when PSM/ABS is braking (rather than you). I'm afraid you need the cable harness or re-wire the connector.
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