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Everything posted by Loren

  1. The rear deck lid lifts just as before - the rear spoiler does not move.
  2. PET online at Sunset Imports Item 5 - Cover, rear -- 986 504 119 00 Item 2 - Plastic nut (21 required) -- 999 049 022 40 Item 6 - Expansion rivet (as needed) -- 999 507 497 40 Item 7 - M6 hex nut -- 999 076 068 09 Item 8 - Stud M6 x 11 -- 999 919 169 02 Item 13 - Self tapping screw (as needed) -- 999 073 061 02 Item 14 - Spacer sleeve (as needed) -- 944 503 255 00
  3. I recently traded my 03-S Boxster which had Xenons for an 02-911 with no xenon, part of the deal was to upgrade the 911 to litronics for 1K The only difference is the upgrade kit is NOT self leveling like the factory installed xenons on the box. Here is a link to what you need: http://e-partssales.com/Merchant2/merchant...ategory_Code=WS Or www.suncoastporsche.com Those will not fit a MY03 Carrera. The MY02 and newer Carrera use Bi-Xenon lights and they are shaped slightly differently. Litronics are for MY99 to MY01 Carrera's.
  4. Try the folks at Sunset Imports (Porsche Parts at Dealer Cost) - I got mine from them but I don't know if Porsche still has these since the stopped producing manuals in paper form.
  5. Not likely (IMHO) as the airbag is a separate "safety" circuit. If you had the control module problem you would most likely see all sorts of weird electrical problems - not just this one.
  6. Loren

    997 TURBO PICS

    For Don (and all)...
  7. We have all the MY2004 order guides here.
  8. 8034 as described in the TSB is the passenger side thorax airbag. You car is new enough it should have the new connector for the airbag controller. But if it is still getting the 8034 with a "Below limit value" error then it could still be a bad connector or connectors. I guess it could be a bad airbag controller too. There is not much else to go wrong. IMHO not worth replacing the car for. This can and should be fixed. Perhaps they should loan you a car while the other dealership gives it a try?
  9. How large is the image? RennTech.org still has to make a thumbnail and if the (original) image is over 180K then it will fail. I've set this artificial limit just to try and keep costs down. If your images are not too much larger (say 250K or even 300K) then I'll increase the size but if they are 2MB each - no can do.
  10. The switch (electrical wears out) then you get all sorts of electrical anomalies including not starting.
  11. I guess step one is the decision to Upload a New Product? This was the best review software I could find (at the time) that had some sort of integration with the forum (so you don't have to login twice). I don't have time to write something myself but I do keep an eye out for something better.
  12. Well, you need to have someone else listen with the front trunk open to see if the noise is from the front shock tower bushing(s) or... the steering wheel hub making the noise. Two very different problems.
  13. How old/how many miles on the belt? They are fairly inexpensive and take about 5 minutes to replace. If the smoke is black then that is un-burnt petrol. On egas cars like yours the idle is set by the throttle butterfly opening just a slight amount (older cars used a idle valve that let in a certain amount of air). When the throttle body and butterfly get carbon buildup the distance changes and the idle/startup becomes rough. Look through the forum here for tips on cleaning the throttle body - it has been discussed many times.
  14. Your car is the right age for a ignition switch problem. Any strange issues with the ignition switch? What happens if you wiggle the ignition while turning it. Also, since it is a cab check for water or moisture under the left hand seat.
  15. Ask him for the codes next time. I never clear codes until I am pretty sure I have checked everything and no other codes show up. Sorry, but blaming PCNA is lame. Your mechanic should have been to the 997 training school and should know how to troubleshoot these sorts of problems. As far as I know PCNA does not fix cars - they are just a liaison with the factory for unusual or stubborn problems. Where are you located? are there other dealers?
  16. It came from my service manual that has had all the factory updates (95 supplements).
  17. My apologies... the "Upload Products" (new products for review) should be working again.
  18. The engines are the same. The body, suspension and brakes for the C4S (only) come from the Turbo.
  19. When an airbag light goes on there is also a fault code(s) as to what triggered it (just like the DME). Easily read with a or PIWIS tester that code(s) should point to the triggering problem area. Then they should follow the troubleshooting based on the fault code. He didn't say what he fault code was did he? If the code is 8033 and/or 8034 then there is a TSB for a know problem with the air bag light. Have him review TSB 3/04 9766 Airbag Warning Light Activated: Seal in the Plug Connection of Triggering Unit Faulty -- dated 10-04-2004.
  20. Preliminary 2007 997 Turbo Order Guide (US) added here.
  21. Kim, I don't know - I just wanted to make sure he checked first because my 01 CLK55 AMG is not hot with the ignition off.
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