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Everything posted by Loren

  1. As long as the light is not flashing it is okay to drive the car. If the light is flashing that means that you will damage the cats ($$) if you continue to drive.
  2. The center of the filter "presses" on to the filter holder - so you do have to push a little. The Boxster, Carrera, Cayenne Turbo, Cayman all mount this way.
  3. Okay, I understand now. They are different - primarily the way the pull handle attaches to the door. I doubt it would work.
  4. What is a "door card"?
  5. Are you sure it is not 586 - Back support left seat?
  6. If you have a voltmeter you can monitor the Brown/Yellow wire from the handbrake and see what the voltage is in both positions.
  7. Probably a firmware update (via PIWIS) or CD/DVD. There have been a bunch of changes/updates/upgrades on PCM2.x.
  8. It can't do the ABS brake bleed or other special (PST2) functions at this time. It can read and reset codes for the DME, airbag, ABS, air conditioning / heating, and seat memory. It can read but not reset the alarm codes (at this time).
  9. Yes.
  10. No TSB that I know of - if it is not locking then you should get an alarm chirp when you lock the car.
  11. See the thread on the Durametric product here. I have one now for evaluation.
  12. Yes, I think so.
  13. LSD = Limited Slip Differential Limited slip ensures that some torque is always distributed to both wheels, even when one is on a very slipper surface. Most of Porsche's LSD options offer 40% locking. From the GT3 overview
  14. P1130 Oxygen Sensing Adaptation, Idle Range, Bank 2 – Below Limit Fuel/air mixture is so rich that sensing is up to its lean threshold. potential causes: – Incorrect signal from MAF sensor – Fuel pressure too high – Fuel injector leaking – EVAP canister purge valve open
  15. As I recall the split grill engine lid is the Aerokit I spoiler (one of three types sold). I don't have instructions (or I may have them and can't find them - LOL) for the Aerokit II but I suspect it is similar to the Aerokit I which removed the fuse, the spoiler warning light and removed the switch in the dash.
  16. All cars with factory LSD would have either option M220 or option IX75 (MY04 and newer).
  17. MY05 997 PCM2.1 replaced by 997.642.131.06 See page 2 of TSB 7/04 9110 PCM2.1 & BOSE Amplifier Spare Parts Requirements -- dated 7-05-2005 Note the page 3 instructions for mating the PCM2.1 part number with the correct BOSE amp part number.
  18. So the needle does not move and there is no digital display for speed? Do the other instrument cluster/gauge functions work?
  19. The digital portion or analog (needle) portion? or both? Any mods that use the speedo signal like PSE or PCM? or ?
  20. Are you a Porsche Professional? Do you own or work at a Porsche independent repair or tuning shop? Do you work for a Porsche dealership as a tech, parts tech or other position? Do you own or work on a Porsche racing team? Do you make money performing any other kind of work on Porsches? If so, we are looking at creating a special (private) online place for Porsche Professionals. If there is enough interest we will create a special forum/site for Porsche Professionals where they can discuss difficult repairs, shop tools, diagnostics and diagnostic tools, parts procurement, technical tips and tricks, and anything else you think that could help you in your business. Your identity can be public or anonymous if you prefer. We will likely charge a small monthly fee (payable monthly or yearly) to cover the additional operating costs. That fee will also give you access to all Contributing Members areas here on RennTech.org. If you are interested in joining a team of RennTech Professionals please use this link to PM me with your interest, thoughts, concerns, and ideas. This post is Closed to replies as we want only interested parties to reply - privately.
  21. Since he said he had an "OPC" I think he will need to call Porsche Cars Great Britain ;) Sorry, shows what I know, can't spell either. Please don't be offended I think you made a good point. I wish folks would fill in their location in their profile...
  22. Check around the pollen filter in the front trunk. Some of the foam from a disintegrating pollen filter could cause that.
  23. Since he said he had an "OPC" I think he will need to call Porsche Cars Great Britain ;)
  24. It is the same light fixture as the front trunk so if there is a switch in front there is one in the rear. Could be a bad or missing bulb too - see your owners manual. As I recall the triggering microswitch is on the latch mechanism.
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