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Everything posted by Loren

  1. I buy mine at http://www.carcareonline.com/.
  2. http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?s...indpost&p=16992 http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?s...indpost&p=30612 The radio/PCM radio will continue to play for up to 20 seconds after you remove the key - that is normal. Does your not turn off after a few seconds?
  3. Well, everyone contributing or not can use the Search feature here... and when I searched for "double DIN" I got 17 results. Try looking a little further or use search before you complain... ;)
  4. Look for a group of brown wires all connected to one chassis point. I believe it is still under the left hand seat on RHD cars.
  5. To get the muffler off without removing the rear bumper it is easiest to remove the rear tires. Once you've done that you can rotate the muffler down and out. I've done it many times.
  6. Porsche (i.e. dealers) only sell the whole kit. So mufflers, clamps, electronics and vacuum stuff is all in the kit.
  7. The Boxster uses relays for the top control and the Carrera uses a control module (computer) - so be careful.
  8. Different models and model years utilize more or less controllers that talk on the CAN bus. For instance in a MY99 Carrera the CAN bus was only used for communication between the DME and the Tiptronic controllers - but in later model cars with more controllers (and needs for inter-communication) more is done over the CAN bus. For a MY06 Carrera many things that were formerly done with relays or independently are done over the CAN bus (i.e. PSE is controlled on 997 model cars through the CAN bus rather than separate wires and relays).
  9. If you have a cat damaging misfire the CEL would be flashing (instead of being on steady). A flashing CEL always means "potential damage to the cats".
  10. Loren

    Tool bag

    Not a picture - but a parts list
  11. The complete OBD II P-code are listed for you here. Use the drop down menu to select OBD II P-codes. P0133 Aging of Oxygen Sensor Ahead of Catalytic Converter (Cylinders 1 - 3) - Below Lower Limit P1275 Aging of Oxygen Sensor Ahead of Catalytic Converter (Cylinders 1 - 3) - Below Lower Limit The diagnosis of "oxygen sensor aging" helps to identify oxygen sensors that exceed emission limits because of aging. During the diagnosis of oxygen sensor aging, the DME control module monitors the period of the sensor signal. With an old sensor, the duration of the period is too long, i.e. it is more difficult for the sensor to diffuse oxygen into the exhaust gas. Reasons for this could be frequent driving in the lower load range (city driving, short distances, etc.) or a contaminated sensor. Bottom line - you need to replace that O2 sensor.
  12. Did you look at the Cayenne Option code listing here? Just add "I" before each code to find them in the listing.
  13. How to remove the radio If you go to the central locking/alarm control under the left seat the Black/Brown wire (connector 1 pin 36) should be switched +12 volts . The Red/Green wire (connector 2 pin 7) should be unswitched +12 volts and the Brown wire (connector 2 pin 1) should be ground.
  14. You are turning on MOST control modules and coding the country specific options in those modules. You can only do this with a PIWIS tester (at this time).
  15. Is the safety catch bent? We have seen a few of those (from folks forcing the trunk closed). Get down at eye level with he latch and slowly close it and see if the safety latch is rubbing or not aligned properly.
  16. Porsche has used the industry standard OBD II connector (J1962) since 1996. So any OBD II reader should have this connector.
  17. That part number works on MY03 - on Cayennes.
  18. The easiest place in the phone prep plug in the center console - but I'm not sure that UK cars get that as standard. Do a search here for "phone prep". If you don't have the connector then post again and I'll have a look at the schematics.
  19. You should read TSB: 6/04 9112 Porsche Communication Management PCM 2.1, Including Navigation Module Installation Instructions -- dated 1-27-05. This TSB is 11 pages long and covers parts needed and the installation process for the PCM2.1 in a 987.
  20. It should not hurt the car. If the CEL resets itself then the problem has been corrected and everything is meeting specs.
  21. According to Michael Cotton (European Editor) Porsche Panorama Magazine (February 2006) -- the Carrera GT will go out of production in April of this year. Looks like the final count since production started in 2003 will be just over 1200 cars. :( Sad to see such an extraordinary car go out of production - but then I said that about the 959 too... ;)
  22. Both of those codes have at least one potential cause as EVAP canister. You should never fill the car with it running - it will give a CEL every time. If the gas cap is loose or leaking it will give a CEL. Thank the EPA for that one. If you reseat the gas cap the CEL will clear itself in 2-3 days of normal driving.
  23. M265 is anti dazzle mirror and rain sensor - but it could have been added afterwards. Sorry, I have no idea on M584.
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