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Everything posted by Loren

  1. You are correct the Mk1 GT3 did not use the CAN bus at all. From what I can tell even on the MY99-01 996 the CAN bus was only used for Tiptronic to DME communication. Starting in MY02 (DME 7.8) they starting putting more on the CAN bus.
  2. 980.637.244.01
  3. Loren. I have the same problem but only when I activate the headlight washers. I just noticed that one of my healight washing jets is not working (driver's side), and the other comes up but does not jet any fluid out. I do endu up with a puddle of fluid in between the front driver's side wheen and the end of the front right quarter paner, near the driver's door. Do you have an idea on where I might start looking for loose hoses, etc.? Thanks Loren. MY02 and newer headlight washers are different from the earlier ones. Here is a diagram...
  4. That is where the tank and pump(s) are. Could be a hose or could be a cracked tank. You will need to remove the wheel and wheelwell liner to see what is going on.
  5. MSRP $17.05 - as of February 2006
  6. I think the button is glued on. I've heard of a couple falling off - but it seems the dealer just glued them back on.
  7. If your car has the anti-dazzle (inside) rearview mirror there is switched 12 volts on that - Black/Orange wire.
  8. Just remember that the darker you get the windows tinted the darker it will be at night - so pedestrians, bicycles and other vehicles will be harder to see.
  9. Re-teach the Windows Re-teach the Sunroof
  10. Isn't there a 12 volt socket in the passenger footwell?
  11. Sounds like a vacuum cleaner - it usually runs for 2-3 minutes when you start the car (it is for emissions).
  12. Can you hear the air pump when you first start the car? If not start with checking the fuse - it is a 40A fuse next to the DME (under the removable panel behind the rear seats).
  13. US version (not Canada) for a MY05 Cayenne: 955.641.313.00
  14. I don't think that telephone connector exists on 987 and 997 cars...
  15. Hmm... the installation TSBs from Porsche say: 996 install -- 7.5 hours 997 install -- 4.4 hours with Sports Chrono package and 3.3 hours without Porsche's estimates are usually conservative so an experienced tech can usually do it much faster. Check with Sunset Porsche (Porsche Parts at Dealer Cost - at the top of the page) for the best pricing and an independent Porsche shop will likely have better labor rates.
  16. Three spoke Tip wheel? Right? If so, then... Looks like the switch is: 996.347.831.00 Switch with harness - Retail $95.19 (as of February 2006). And the right side (?) button is: 996.347.836.00.01C Tip Lever (right) - Retail $24.90 (as of February 2006) The Left side lever (if you need it) is: 996.347.835.00.01C Tip Lever (left) - Retail $24.90 (as of February 2006)
  17. MSRP on a Cayenne Turbo cluster is $1792.21 (as of February 2006). I'm sure Porsche Parts at Dealer Cost (see link above) can get you one for much less.
  18. The two Porsche coolants can be mixed. Yes, it is best to mix 50-50 distilled water and coolant. If you don't have any coolant and the level is not too low then just adding distilled water will have little effect on the coolant protection. 50% coolant/water gives protection down to -31°F (-35°C)
  19. Don publishes this every month or so in the News section... North America Porsche Sales, Dec and YTD 2005 & Jan 06
  20. 1 liter should do it.
  21. Hmm... perhaps a bad ignition switch.
  22. This has been taken care of.
  23. Yes a dealer or an independent shop with a PST2 or PIWIS tester can reset the air bag light. If the light comes back on then you likely have corrosion on the seat belt connectors - and that's a much bigger job.
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