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Everything posted by Loren

  1. P0102 says your MAF sensor is unplugged or not working the rest are O2 sensors reporting the problem.
  2. If you look at my car in the Garage it has a factory aerokit. I agree that the fit is better on the properly installed factory parts. Several companies occasionally have sales on complete the aerokit cup (the version for your car) package. Try Porsche Parts at Dealer Cost (link at the top of page) or check out some of the vendors in Excellence Magazine.
  3. 986.505.980.00.GX2 is correct
  4. Might I ask why you need to go back to stock? Doing so requires you to replace the whole shifter mechanism. Here is a link to what the original looks like. original shifter mechanism
  5. Your list looks fine... should not need to replace the plugs until about 30,000 miles.
  6. I don't have any details of the change - only that the parts list says to use the 997 number instead. Perhaps Carlos can take a pic of the two side by side. BTW... this in not the oil pan but the windage tray inside the crankcase (item 25).
  7. Any of you guys that upgraded, do you still have your stock shifter assembly? My '00 S needs to go back to stock, but the previous owner didn't include the factory shifter assembly so all i have is the B+M that is currently installed. Thx, :beer: JV During the B&M install you break the old shifter bushings and reuse the housing. Porsche does not sell just the bushings - only the whole assembly.
  8. 997.107.243.00 has replaced the 996.107.243.51 Retail $29.46 - as of February 2006
  9. That would be San Diego area - California. So you hwould have to call 1+7147306917 :oops: Orange County just South of Los Angeles
  10. For the C4S... Brake disc thickness, new front 34mm rear 28 mm Minimum brake disc thickness (after machining) front 32.6 mm rear 26.6 mm Brake disc wear limit front 32.0 mm rear 26.0 mm Peak-to-valley surface roughness of the brake disc after machining, max. - 0.006 mm Thickness tolerance of the brake discs, max. - 0.02 mm Lateral runout of the brake disc, max. - 0.03 mm Lateral runout of the wheel hub, max. - 0.03 mm Lateral runout of the brake disc when installed, max. - 0.06 mm
  11. The "Porsche approved tires for the 11" wheels are all 295/30 ZR 18. Continental SportContact 2 N2 Pirelli PZero Asimmetrico N3 Bridgestone Potenza S-02A N3 Michelin Pilot Sport N1
  12. Loren

    Rotor skimming

    For a GT3 mk1: Brake disc thickness, new front 34 mm rear 28mm Minimum brake disc thickness (after machining) front 32.6 mm rear 26.6 mm Brake disc wear limit front 32.0 mm rear 26.0 mm I think you are going to need new rotors...
  13. I think so. Many times Porsche will change the part number when they add a new vendor. That way if they have problems they know who to turn to.
  14. The first small tube sport exhaust for the 996 that I am aware of was (that is what is one my car). As far as I know the later larger tube sport exhausts were made by different companies to the same specs.
  15. Slightly different... you need to release the clip in the center vent first. See the posts here.
  16. Rears are Turbo Look 18" wheels. Fronts: 993.362.134.05 Techno Wheel 18" 993.362.134.06 Turbo Look 18" Those two fronts should look slightly different if you look closely. The fronts should be in pairs with the same part number.
  17. Yeah, I think sometimes the solenoid gets weak or the buildup is just too much. I'm about 50-50 cleaning and replacing these - sometimes cleaning works and sometimes you just need to replace it. 996.606.160.01 Idle Speed Adjuster -- retail $366.28 (as of February 2006) I'm sure the folks at Sunset Imports (Porsche parts at Dealer Cost) can get you a better price.
  18. Start by lightly pressing on the window near the sound. If the noise changes or goes away it is the window/window seal.
  19. The only thing Porsche has currently released is the press release (see our News section). (I removed the cross post.)
  20. One more addition to what Dharn55 said... do not even put the key in ignition (that activated the airbag circuit).
  21. I've been happy with the BMC (see my comments in the Reviews sections here). Porsche uses BMC in all their race cars.
  22. Where can I order these parts? Any help would be appreciated. Just click on the link at the top - Porsche Parts at Dealer Cost
  23. Offset is explained very well here
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