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Everything posted by Loren

  1. Aerokit Cup - as a contributing member you can now read Porsche's installation instructions in TSB 3/00 6315 Installing Cup Aerokit -- dated Jul 21, 2000.
  2. I don't think you have a choice - I've heard they don't sell the silver mechanism anymore only the black Boxster version. I think that is why folks take them off and paint them themselves. When mine get scratched enough I will likely just paint them too.
  3. 1. Yes. 2. Yes. 3. No, not at this time. 4. No, not at this time. But is has been suggested to them. ;) ;)
  4. Sunset will have to "build a kit" - Carnewal has the kits pre-built. Both are outstanding vendors. :D
  5. I don't think the color code was ever used in the VIN - at least not to my knowledge. Look in the front trunk for plate with the VIN and color codes on it. Please do not type in ALL CAPS - on the web that is SHOUTING - thanks.
  6. I mean there are a number of adjustments and you still may need to replace the regulator in the end. You can try to adjust it if you want -- the sections starts at 57-6 page 3.
  7. 7.5J X18 H2 ET 50.0 -- 993 362 134 06 8J X 18 H2 ET 52.0 -- 993 362 136 01 10J X 18 H2 ET 65.0 -- 993 362 140 04
  8. 996.605.115.01 is still used on the 997 (and was used on the egas 996's). 997.605.115.00 is used on the X51 packaged 997's beginning in MY06. My PET is Feb. 2006 -- all the parts I gave you are the newest ones as of that date.
  9. Turbo Look I, Turbo Look I (high gloss), or Turbo Look II?
  10. There are a number of adjustments to the door windows - about 4 pages devoted to it in the service manual. Regulators are know to wearout or go bad.
  11. Labor sounds too high to me (but it usually does) - this should be less than 1 hour to do.
  12. Do you mean a Check Engine Light (or MIL)? Or do you mean a light that tells you service is due? I'm not sure what you mean...
  13. 987.110.222.01 Air Box Hose 997.605.115.00 Throttle Body 997.110.319.00 Intermediate Piece Gasket 900.385.025.04 Pan-Head Screw (4 required) 987.110.116.01 Distributor Tube
  14. Once I got the email address you used here - you were upgraded. I sent you an email reply stating that.
  15. The TSB will have more detail than you likely want. Most of the techs I know read the TSBs then after they have done a few they don't need to refer to them again.
  16. Well, I am not sure of the exact timing but the Tequipment part number changed when they switched. For example my small tube PSE is while there have been several big tube PSE's. So, a part number of or .20 or .21 would all be big tube exhausts.
  17. 986.505.980.00.GX2 Bumper cover is all you need... or 986.505.980.01.GX2 Bumper cover for Boxster S (has the center radiator opening).
  18. There is a TSB for the PSE installation on a 997 -- it is 16 pages long and covers all possible options. Contributing Members can view the TSBs here online.
  19. 996.552.235.03.S33 Ignition Rose in Savanna (not leather) LHD cars 996.552.236.03.S33 Ignition Rose in Savanna (not leather) RHD cars 996.552.469.01.S33 Hazard Switch Rose in Savanna (not leather) LHD cars 996.552.470.01.S33 Hazard Switch Rose in Savanna (not leather) RHD cars
  20. We have added and/or updated TSBs in the following categories today: Boxster (987): 7 Cayman (987): 20 Carrera (997): 11 Cayenne: 12 CGT: 2 TT/GT2: 1
  21. 996.552.185.04.S33 Left Defroster Trim in Savanna lacquer 996.552.186.04.S33 Right Defroster Trim in Savanna lacquer 996.552.181.04.S33 Alarm cover in Savanna (no leather) 996.552.225.05.S33 Left Side Vent in Savanna lacquer 996.552.228.05.S33 Right Side Vent in Savanna lacquer
  22. The TSB for the Boxster (987) and the Cayman are now posted in the TSB section (for our Contributing Members). Special thanks to Tool Pants :cheers:
  23. Anyone with a PST2 can reset it or the Durametric Software (Durametric site). So an independent shop, your dealer or the Durametric Software (and your laptop). Or if you live near Morgan Hill, CA I can reset it for you...
  24. Either will work fine and the muffler hanger should be on each muffler. You will need to transfer the exhaust tips from your old muffler to the new ones. I personally think the small tube PSE has a littler better sound but they are very close.
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