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Everything posted by Loren

  1. The 00 caps will not hold pressure - then leak. If you put a 00 cap on a cap tester it will fail to hold pressure - the design of the 01 cap sealing and pressure relief is different than the 00.
  2. The TSB says the new control spring is "as of": Engines manufactured since December 5, 2005 as of engine numbers: M96.25 61 6 04763 M96.26 62 6 03668 The date is not that important (except that if your car was built before that date it couldn't have the new control spring). If your engine number is below the engine numbers above (depending on model) -- then you need the new control spring.
  3. I think you will need to disconnect the heating pad from the rest of the car then measure the resistance across the pad - if it is open (infinite) then the pad must be bad.
  4. I would guess the better part of a whole day. The dash pics were taken at a dealership. I think Tool Pants said it took a tech 5-6 hours.
  5. Please do not type in ALL CAPS - on the web that is SHOUTING. Thanks. 996.561.021.03 Drive Mechanism (to MY03) -- US MSRP $571.09 (as of Feb 2006). Talk to the folks at Sunset Imports (Porsche Parts at Dealer Cost at the top of the page). I don't know if they can ship to Canada or not but it's worth a try since their price will be much less than MSRP.
  6. It's a lot of work. Are you sure? Here are some of Tool Pants pics from a Boxster.
  7. P0446 - EVAP Canister Shutoff Valve (Function) - Below Lower Limit The task of the shutoff valve is to seal the purge air line to the EVAP canister during the fuel tank leak test. Potential causes: Purge air line blocked. Flow resistance of EVAP canister too high. 1 - EVAP canister purge valve 2 - EVAP canister 3 - Purge air 4 - Tank 5 - Pressure sensor 6 - Shutoff valve 7 - Operating purge valve 8 - To intake manifold 9 - Vacuum control valve
  8. Interesting filter changes from Porsche. The 986 series (and 996 series) have used part numbers: 996.107.020.52, 996.107.020.53, 996.107.020.54 and now the parts list shows 996.107.020.55. The MY03 and newer 996 says to use 996.107.020.60 The Cayman (as does the 997) shows 996.107.020.53 only. The 987 shows 996.107.020.60 only. Very interesting since all these cars use the same basic engine. I do not know the differences. Tool pants and I tried to see a difference between the .52 and .53 - we couldn't see any. I guess it's time to go visit our friendly parts department again and ask to see the 5 filters... :lol:
  9. Yes, I sent an email to your PayPal email address.
  10. Liftup the clothes hook bracket 1 from below with plastic spatula and carefully pullup and off.
  11. http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=493
  12. 1. The 3.8 liter engine has a switch resonator installed in the air cleaner housing. In order to remove the air cleaner housing, the cable plug must be disconnected from the electric switch−over valve 1. 2. Unclip the tandem pump vacuum line from the air cleaner housing. Note - the rubber sleeves for securing the air cleaner housing Disconnect plug connection on the hot film mass air flow meter 2. Press together the locking lever on the plug and pull the plug off the flange. Unclip the connection lead at the omega clips. 3. a. Undo the threaded sleeve for the rubber moulding of the air cleaner housing from the throttle body 1 b. Unclip the oil filling pipe from the air cleaner housing 3 and then lift the air cleaner housing out of the fastening lug 4. 4. Unclip the switch−over valve for the switch resonator from the housing bracket 1 detach the vacuum line from the housing 2 and disconnect from the resonator. Note - The air cleaner housing should not be cleaned on the outside with strong cleaning agents. 5. Lift the air cleaner housing completely out of the engine compartment. If necessary, the outside of the housing can be cleaned using a damp cloth and some washing−up liquid. Then, lay the housing on a soft surface to avoid scratching the painted surface. "Then remove the 8 screws". Install is in the reverse order. If this works okay then let me know and we'll move this to the 997 DIY section.
  13. Take the A/C control out of "Auto" by using the fan switch (minus button) to turn the completely off -- keep clicking the minus button until the display says "off". If the noise goes away then it is the Heating/Cooling fan.
  14. My money is on a bad ignition switch....
  15. http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?a...s&CODE=02&cat=5
  16. Alpine M-bus is a single wire connection -- MOST is a fiber optical connection.
  17. Sounds like maybe a loose rear swaybar.
  18. Those are just the corner triangles. You will need those and the complete headlight assembly in clear. -- Sunset is correct.
  19. Even though it might not be obvious the Garage has gone through a major upgrade. We tried to keep the user interface as familiar as possible. The Garage should be easier to use, more streamlined and scalable than ever, it includes a new ratings feature (rate cars on Interior, Exterior and Overall), and due to a lot of code optimization and reorganization -- it should be much - much faster. You will however need to update any external links to your car(s) in the Garage. Just visit your car in the garage and copy the URL after Link to your Vehicle:. It should look something like: http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?&autocom=registry&cmd=view_item&CID=1 More update information in my Blog here
  20. :lol: ... the new 997 TT with Tiptronic S gearbox is faster than the 6 speed TT by 0.3 seconds.
  21. The Garage went through a major upgrade yesterday. Your link will need to be changed (as shown on your vehicle page). So, your new link will be http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?&...iew_item&CID=10 I'll make a News post right now...
  22. According to the Porsche Carrera Service Manual the MY99 Tiptronic performance is: 0-100 km/h (62.14 MPH) time of 6.0 seconds 0-160 km/h (99.42 MPH) time of 13.0 seconds 0-200 km/h (124.27 MPH) time of 20.4 seconds Porsche's "reported" times are always conservative.
  23. It could be a bad ground or a bad component in the system. I do not know where you are located but you need to find someone with a PST2. The PST2 can pinpoint problems in the alarm system within a few minutes through alarm codes and component testing. -- Otherwise you are guessing at more than 15 components that make up the alarm system. Some race or independent shops have PST2's and all dealers have them or the newer PIWIS tester.
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