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Everything posted by Loren

  1. Red/Black wire that connects to the the overhead lights is power. Brown wire(s) are ground.
  2. Wheel Techniques in Campbell http://www.wheeltechniques.com/
  3. Porsche didn't start making PDF's of the manuals until late 2002 or 2003. Maybe I can find time to scan mine this weekend and add it to the manuals here.
  4. I use a BMC and it adds a better intake sound - I doubt it adds much if any HP by itself. Maybe a few more horses (10-20) if you also change the headers (Carrera) and tune the DME. Porsche uses BMC in all their race cars.
  5. Why not just take the oil filter off and pour out the excess?
  6. 996.111.238.02 exhaust support (MY02 and newer) -- MSRP $119.96 (as of May 2006)
  7. WKD 996 120 99 MY99 Carrera Owners Manual -- MSRP $20.05 (as of May 2006)
  8. http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=5619
  9. I'm in Morgan Hill (just South of San Jose). If you get up this way I can read your alarm fault codes .
  10. Find someone with a PST2 or PIWIS tester and they can tell you exactly what zone is open (or triggering a fault). Where are you located? (I have a PST2)
  11. Please see the emergency locking procedure in your Owners Manual (under Locking).
  12. For a LHD MY03 Cab (w/BOSE) it should be 000.044.802.03.A10
  13. Any beeps when you set the alarm?
  14. Loren

    GT3 ECU Pins

    For a MY04 GT3 (US) it will be A9 on the OBD II connector - should be a violet/green wire. So in this case it is the same.
  15. Loren

    GT3 ECU Pins

    I did not say that. What I am saying is that the DME's from MY99 are very different from the DME's used MY01. As well in MY05 they changed again. Some of the OBD II wiring is different. The best solution is to say what year and model car you are interested in so someone can check the schematic.
  16. Is that IE 5 for the Mac that was discontinued in 2003?
  17. Please do not bump topics that are less than 24 hours old. Tanks are known to leak, lines are known to lug and motors are known to stop pumping (because of a diaphram leak). I would start by checking the lines and nozzles to see if they plugged.
  18. Loren

    GT3 ECU Pins

    Specifically this thread was about an RoW (not US) pre 2001 GT3. And, Carerra's have had 3 different DME's so each should be reviewed independently.
  19. Your car has the same strut baces (from the factory) that a full race GT3 Cup Car has. I don't understand why you want anything more. JMHO
  20. Have you ever wondered what an A–Pillar is? Don't know what KESSY stands for? You mean you don't have a PCCC yet? You don't know where the Carrera model name came from? What are those guys talking about when they say Unsprung Weight? Well, you can find the definitions of all of these abbreviations and terms here. We have added a Glossary of Technical Terms primarily for Porsche -- primarily by Porsche. Just use the Online Docs Menu (drop down menu) and choose Glossary of Technical Terms Oh, and Guests... just one more thing you are missing by not becoming a FREE member.
  21. There are two relay carriers. On a coupe the are under the dash (near the fuse box) and behind the rear seat panel under the rear window. The relay carrier is accessed by removing the bolts and lifting the DME/relay carrier panel. On a Cab the second one is next to the top control in the service panel behind the seats.
  22. The Porsche service manual says:
  23. There is a bit of a laggy feel when variocam plus switches over at about that RPM. I don't recall any noises though. If you slowly bring the car up through 3000 RPM with the car in neutral - do you hear the same thing?
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