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Everything posted by Loren

  1. TSB 2/00 2601 Sport Exhaust System -- dated 6-26-00. This TSB (as are all TSBs) are available here to view by Contributing Members.
  2. Sometimes special order items have funny - non-standard codes. What does your option list show (under your front hood) and/or Certificate of Authenticity? Is this a US car?
  3. Look up the option codes here.
  4. A few 997's have exibited strange electrical problems - they can all be fixed. If your dealer can not sort it out they should get help from PCNA... or you should find another dealer.
  5. I would start looking for leaks. Look closely around the coolant tank cap and under the car (both tank and hoses). Make sure your coolant tank cap ends in 01 (00 leaks).
  6. http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=5619
  7. Loren

    GT3 ECU Pins

    MY03 Carrera
  8. I am in Morgan Hill (a little South of San Jose) and I can turn it on for you. Or... if you are not in a hurry I will be in Roseville June 16. Drop me a PM if you are interested in either.
  9. That part number is correct but it has been replaced by part number 996.111.985.04 -- MSRP $962.40 (as of May 2006)
  10. Have a look at the following TSBs: 2/03 3001 Clutch Pedal Sticks (dated 10-24-03) 1/99 3005 Boost Spring for Clutch Pedal (dated 5-28-99) 1/00 3005 Clutch Pedal Noise (dated 9-8-00)
  11. Great write up! I will move this to the DIY section.
  12. The radiator is the same for all - the hoses are different. Gert can give you any part numbers you need from his kit. http://www.carnewal-europe.com/cpx_p96064.htm
  13. 993.362.134.06 turbo-look wheel 7.5 x 18 offset 50 993.362.140.04 turbo-look wheel 10 x 18 offset 65 These are standard sizes for pre-MY02 Carrera's.
  14. Loren

    RS Flywheel

    Well, yes. Because they use the same flywheel (996.114.012.50).
  15. Custom Alignment in Mountain View.
  16. There isn't one to my knowledge. But every service tech I know - knows to replace any 00 part number cap.
  17. We have added and/or updated TSBs in the following categories today (56 total): Boxster (986): 1 Boxster (987): 11 Cayman (987): 14 Carrera (996): 1 Carrera (997): 13 Cayenne: 7 CGT: 1 GT3 (997): 1 TT/GT2 (996): 2 TT/GT2 (997): 1 General: 4
  18. Take the blade off and inspect the mounting shaft. Older Porsches were splined but I've never had to take a 996 blade off yet.
  19. If it is OBD II compatible it should be able to read P-codes (mainly DME).
  20. If there is fluid and it still comes on then it is likely a bad connection or a bad level sensor.
  21. The 997 uses a returnless fuel line so I don't see any a pressure return valve (to get stuck on).
  22. Frank - it was deleted because this is the second post on the same topic. Please re-read the Board Guidelines/Rules. Double posting just wastes everyone's time and resources. I am closing this post so all the replies will be in one place. I replied to your previous post.
  23. P1539 -- Actuator triggered, no active position. Potential causes: Open circuit in triggering wire, or Open circuit in B+ supply, or Actuator faulty. Well it could be just a bad connection or a pinched wire. They should use a meter on the wires and actuator first. I have to agree that if it were the actuator the car would run like crap. Really sounds like an intermittent connection to me.
  24. As I recall the factory seat belt buckle can be taken off the factory seat along with the factory cabling. It then becomes a case of connecting the buckle hardware to the new seat.
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