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Everything posted by Loren

  1. Yes. No, there is no need to do that. If you don't install the vacuum and electronics then they act as mufflers only - so no vacuum is used. Mine have been that way since 2000. No, it will just burn off from the heat.
  2. http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?s...c=56&st=0&p=117
  3. That information is not in a TSB - it is in the service manual. You will also need someone with a PST2 (or PIWIS) to re-calibrate the new top. I have re-calibrated a top once - it took about 2 minutes. I sent you a PM...
  4. You can find it here.
  5. Boxster Water Drainage 1 - Water drainage: water collection tray 2 - Water drainage: sealing channel on rear side section 3 - Water drainage: tank tray 4 - Water drainage: evaporator of heating and air-conditioning system 5 - Water drainage: radiator tank
  6. Normal - secondary air pump cutting in to manage emissions.
  7. If you haven't changed the fuel filter - I would start with that. A clogged fuel filter can cause all kinds of problems. If it is not that you will want to test the fuel pressure and see if it is the regulator or the sensor.
  8. Replacement engine price on 997.100.997.02 -- $27294.81 (MSRP as of May 2006) Exchange engine price on 997.100.997.1X -- $9172.95 (MSRP as of May 2006) Looks that way to me...
  9. P0453 Tank Pressure Sensor – Above Limit Check wiring from pressure sensor to DME control module for short to B+. Repair wiring or replace sensor.
  10. No switch until MY02. The switch is only available in matte black for left side of console or right side of console (LHD or RHD).
  11. That will work. I usually just put it on the jacks stand then carefully remove the wheel.
  12. Sorry, it only comes in matte black.
  13. The bolts for a 993 RS are M12 x 1.5 x 105 mm so I am not sure where you get the 130 mm bolts. 999.025.074.02 washer (4 required) 999.025.134.02 washer (4 required)
  14. I only pulled the wheel liners back far enough to get easy access to the radiators. You could take them all the way off. I jacked the car from the rear jack point with a lift that went high enough to raise the front off the ground also. I would definitely use jack stands - they are safer than any jack. I usually use jack stands and leave the jack under one point just in case the car falls (earthquake or pulling too hard on a tight bolt).
  15. Both versions trigger off of vehicle speed to quiet the exhaust (close the bypass valves) between 30-45 MPH. In the post 02 system you can add a switch that will override that cutout or allow you to have full quiet or loud control. By default the (with no electronics/vacuum installed) the PSE bypass is open (loud).
  16. New 997.100.997.00 MY05 Replacement Engine 997.100.997.02 MY06 Replacement Engine Exchange 997.100.997.X MY05 Exchange Engine No MY06 exchange is available at this time
  17. 996.504.129.01 cover, rear -- MSRP $85.33 (as of May 2006) You might also need the plastic nuts 999.049.028.40 --MSRP $0.79 each
  18. US or Row? Model year? 6 speed or Tip? X51?
  19. 964.375.043.81 Engine mount RoW 993 RS (2 required) -- MSRP $151.51 (each) - as of May 2006) Do you need the bolts and washers too?
  20. It is pretty straightforward. What do you need to know?
  21. Temperature readout is part of the OBC (OnBoard Computer) option. You should be able to get the temp just by having someone turn on the OBC with a PST2. The other features would require a OBC stalk or switch.
  22. A good dealer would reset the airbag light for free (as long as you don't come in for it every week). It is very simple to do and maybe takes 1 minute (if you are slow).
  23. 996.561.613.00.01C visor cover for mounting (satin black) - 2 required. 996.624.505.02 guide rose (for fuel door release)
  24. Correct. In the US it was a mandatory service action (recall).
  25. 000.044.500.09 5mm Soacer kit -- MSRP $390.67 (as of May 2006)
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