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Everything posted by Loren

  1. Please observe the following points: • The airbag unit must always be deposited so that the airbag opening faces upwards! • If removed for an extended period, the airbag unit must be kept in a locked place! • Observe the safety regulations! 1. Remove ignition key. 2. Disconnect the battery and cover terminal or battery. 3. Remove the air guide at the bottom right. 4. Undo the airbag unit from below and remove it rearward to the passenger's seat. 5. Disconnect the electrical plug connection. 6. Pullout the hinge pin on the airbag unit and remove the panel. Tightening torque for fastening screws (2 screws M8 x 95): 15 ftlb. (20 Nm)
  2. 000 044 200 11 Installation kit -- is for 2.5 liter only.
  3. As a Contributing Member you can read TSB 1/00 7018 Noises In The Dashboard Area -- dated 6-30-00. That TSB has several fixes for noises in the dashboard and airbag areas.
  4. The inside door panel needs to come off to replace either. http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=7066 The door handle switch is here. http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?s...indpost&p=46495 The window regulator is very much like the Boxster (although the door panels are somewhat different). http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?s...indpost&p=42736 http://www.bombaydigital.com/boxster/projects/window/
  5. The engine does not need to be removed... but the rear engine mount needs to be removed to get access to the water pump. This requires a hoist and engine support. Also, the cooling system will need to be vacuum filled to prevent air (and not all shops have the vacuum fill tools). Certainly less than 4 hours work with the right tools (IMHO).
  6. Could be something on the window is causing the rubber pieces to squeak or could be a window regulator going bad.
  7. Most common causes are the door handle microswitch and the window regulator.
  8. There is a TSB for the rear side windows that replaces the seal - but you didn't say which window.
  9. Actually I just took a pair of needle nose pliers and snapped the tab off on mine.
  10. Porsche TE Roll Bar Installation Guide
  11. Has the brake fluid been changed? How many miles since the last brake job?
  12. That is correct - I fixed the typo in my previous post.
  13. Next time I am up your way (or you are down here) I'll put the PST2 on it again and see if we can find the cluster setting. Sorry, I didn't find it the first time.
  14. Those fault code lists come from the OBD II manual not the shop manual. 99 Tank pressure sensor P0450 P0452 P0453 1/– P0450 Signal implausible – Pressure sensor faulty P0452 Below lower limit – Short circuit to ground P0453 Above upper limit – Short circuit to B+
  15. Yes the manual release is behind the left rear tail light. You will need to reach up and behind the wheel liner to fine the cable and pull it.
  16. I checked the order type and it was set correctly for a Boxster S -- 986320.
  17. Hmm... I didn't see that and I looked. Perhaps CharlieG can check his wiring then I will have to have another go at it with the PST2.
  18. I didn't see anything in the cluster on CharlieG's car. Do you guys know where in the cluster this is? Is it under Coding?
  19. Have a look at TSB 3/00 7059 Noises In The Door/Door Trim Panel Area -- dated 6-30-00.
  20. ...or bad ignition switch. Wiggle the key in the switch and see if makes any difference.
  21. http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?a...de&code=fault72
  22. Both ABS and PSM lights on... This is the same error you will get if the MAF is unplugged. Are you sure you or a shop didn't accidently leave the MAF unplugged after working on the car? This can also cause ABS and PSM lights to come on as the DME is not sensing the PSM data and combining it with the throttle position and mass air flow readings. If it is the steering angle sensor you will need a PST2 (or PIWIS tester) to set it correctly.
  23. ABS and PSM fault codes are in the 4000 and 5000 range. How did you get this code? What tools/scan device?
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