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Everything posted by Loren

  1. Do you mean 996.110.115.03?
  2. MY01-MY02 Cab amp
  3. Talk to doncapecod...
  4. That is likely because the console removal is covered so well in the B&M Short Shifter Install Instrcutions. You can download them here
  5. 000.044.500.29 Sport Type Running Gear - 10 MM lower (kit) for MY03 Cab, 6spd, 2WD. MSRP - $1274.94 (as of May 2006)
  6. Maybe it was dropped...
  7. I wouldn't worry about the mixture - I would check every couple of days to see if you continues to lower. Also, make sure your (blue) coolant cap part number ends in 01. All of the 00 caps leak.
  8. In order of least costly to most costly... Could be just a re-calibration needed. Could be a bad tank sensor. Could be a bad cluster. Until someone does further diagnosis with a PST2 (or PIWIS) you likely won't know know the cause.
  9. Sounds like a bad fuel level sensor. Any dealer or shop with a PST2 (or PIWIS) tester should be able troubleshoot this down to the faulty component.
  10. Model 996 or 997? you posted in both forums (which is a no-no) Model year? RoW or US? Accelerator pedal? It might help if you tell what you are trying to accomplish.
  11. From what I can tell a P0702 can generate a sub-code (Porsche code only). Here are the sub codes and their meaning: 58 Control module faulty (test internal watchdog) 59 Control module faulty (test external watchdog) 62 Control module faulty (RAM) 63 Control module faulty (ROM) 64 Control module faulty (EEPROM critical for normal function) All of the troubleshooting says to replace the Tip control module except for code 58 which says to re-program the module. That might be worth a try before replacing it.
  12. They are only held on with double-stick tape. You need a hairdryer (for heat), some dental floss (to saw away the glue) and some 3M adhesive remover (to clean the remaining glue off).
  13. Remove the plastic covers from the pivot points and then remove the bolts.
  14. Did you try using Search? This has been discussed here many times before. http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?s...&hl=lighter
  15. No, what was said is that some early cars may not have had them installed - or perhaps the dealer prep forgot to reinstall them. My June 1999 build car does have all of them. I think the air flow under the car will be better with all the underbody covers in place. On a CGT the whole undercarriage is covered and very smooth.
  16. The only underbody cover that is different is the front cover for C2 or C4 - otherwise there is no difference for any model year.
  17. Ignition switch? or did it just pop out of gear?
  18. Solid spoke: Rubber valve stem and ribbed surface behind spokes Hollow spoke: Metal valve stem and smooth surface behind spokes
  19. There is no idle control valve on a MY02 car. MY00 on all have egas. I would have a look at the throttle butterfly and see if it is carbon'ed up. Also look for loose vacuum hoses, dirty air filter and potentially bad gas.
  20. Porsche Parts at Dealer Cost (at the top of any page). Sunset Imports sells at dealer cost plus 15%.
  21. TSB 4/03 2804 Replacement Ignition Switch -- dated 11-24-03
  22. I don't think so. My 996 has been hacked for blinking sidemarkers and there was no need to change any bulbs.
  23. There does not appear to any differences in wiring between US and RoW. All front end lights are controlled by the "CU Bug" (controller) so I would would bet that there is a setting to program that with a PIWIS. Either I or Tool Pants will try and check next time we see a 987/997 in the local shop.
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