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Everything posted by Loren

  1. The bearing race is pressed into the wheel carrier with a hydraulic press.
  2. Yes, you may need to aremove a plastic rivet or two.
  3. Just use the emergency cable release behind the right front wheel well.
  4. This is the PSE as it comes with the 997 X51 package.
  5. Yes, Contributing Members automatically can view TSBs online here.
  6. There is a six page TSB that covers installation of the Roof Rails and is available to view here for our Contributing Members (as are all TSBs). Contributing Members can view TSBs online, use the Retail Price Search feature, access the Contributors Only Forum. They can send attachments with PMs, image storage limits are raised for all Contributing Members, RennTech.org email addresses are available and a personal Blog. Contributions help defer the cost of running this site and providing this information to you. No one has to contribute but many members do. Without contributions this site would either have to go subscription or cease to exist.
  7. The Durametric Software can read and reset many faults as well as report many actual values - but it can not do what you are asking. I have a PST2 and I'm not sure I know how (or can) do that.... Has someone had a dealer do this?
  8. Most of the time the dealer has to replace the radio or amp. As I recall it's been more amps than radios. MY03 was a bad year for amps (IMHO).
  9. There are a couple of TSBs on this. One is about replacement of the spring and proper greasing (not WD-40). The other is about grinding a small area off the clutch pedal that maybe rubbing.
  10. If it happens when the brakes are not used then it is in steering and /or front suspension. The next step would be to jack the front of car up and turn the wheels side to side to see if you can hear whether it is in the suspension mounts or steering rack. I have heard of bad front suspension (shock) mount bearings as well as bad steering racks.
  11. Your dealer should be able to locate and fix this with felt tape or teflon tape. Rattles are usually fixed with felt tape and squeaks (rubbing) is usually fixed with teflon tape.
  12. If it is really pre-detonation then the dealer should be able to see the changes in his PIWIS tester. They should test drive it with a second tech along to run the PIWIS and record the results.
  13. Make sure you connect the battery vent when replacing the battery. http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?s...ost&p=14456
  14. Low speed only or all the time? Does it happen if you don't touch the brakes - i.e. low speed turning like parking?
  15. Okay after re-reading the TSB (1/00 2445 Air Flow Sensor -- dated 4-18-00)... 123 is still available for non-egas cars. 123 is used on no-egas Boxster and Carrera's (MY99 only). 124 to 125 is an egas update that requires a DME re-program.
  16. I believe the Boxster DME update allows a non-egas car to use the egas MAF.
  17. I would say it is very likely something they did. The transmission is removed from the car to replace the RMS or IMS.
  18. The Blue cap is windshield washer water/fluid, the Black cap is brake/clutch fluid. On a C2 or C4 or C4S the brake fluid tank is shared with the clutch. All Carrera's use brake fluid for the clutch. The Green capped tank is only found on 996TT and GT2 as they have a separate clutch system that uses Pentosin CHF 11 S hydraulic fluid (not brake fluid).
  19. I would be sure and check the motor and tranmission mounts for damage.
  20. 996.653.101.08.EFR Control (in gloss black) -- MSRP $349.69 (as of June 2006)
  21. http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?a...=colors_cayenne
  22. Bad purge valves are fairly common but so are cracked canisters. I would still start with the gas cap and o-ring.
  23. P0455 Fuel Tank Ventilation System (Major Leak) - Below Lower Limit Potential causes: - Tank cap missing or o-ring bad or missing. - Ventilation lines detached from EVAP canister. - Ventilation line detached from tank. - Ventilation lines detached from operating vent valve. - Ventilation line detached from fuel tank vent valve. - Break in ventilation lines. 1 - EVAP canister purge valve 2 - EVAP canister 3 - Purge air 4 - Tank 5 - Pressure sensor 6 - Shutoff valve 7 - Operating purge valve 8 - To intake manifold 9 - Vacuum control valve
  24. The Porsche part is red - not clear or smoked.
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