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Everything posted by Loren

  1. Auto dimming mirrors, homelink and rain sensor were offered in Porsche Tequipment for the 996 - I have not yet seen them for the 997. They could likely be added but you would need to figure out the wiring harnesses, part numbers and actual installation. Or you could wait and see if Porsche adds them to Tequipment.
  2. I don't own a cab and have never taken one off. I suspect it comes off the same as the coupe - by pulling towards the rear of the car.
  3. Follow one of the black/green wires coming off fuse F49. Should be three wires for E Box Handy, Telephone, and anti-dazzle interior mirror. or F47 (red/green wire) also is labeled phone prep.
  4. Have a little patience some cab owner will likely help you out...
  5. Whatr are the part numbers on the rotors? And... what year is your Cayenne? S, TT or V6?
  6. I think all of that has been covered here if you use search ;) I an not sure what trim under the steering wheel you are talking about... the big piece is of part of the whole dash and doesn't come out (unless you remove the whole dash).
  7. We have added a new download manager to the site that will now take over the task of delivering Order Guides, Porsche Owner's Manuals and other General/Other file downloads. It will also take over the process of listing the Current TSBs and for our Contributing Members - viewing the TSBs. Access to each of these functions has not changed. Please use the Online Docs Menu to go to the area you want -- or just use the (new) link on the menu to go to All Downloads. Oops... forgot to add some new features too: RSS feed - so you can know when new/updated files are added. Ability to report broken files. Ability to subscribe to a file to receive an email notification when the file is updated. Ability to manage these subscriptions from your My Controls. Ability to add files to your favorites, and ability to manage these from your My Controls. Ability to search file descriptions (not contents). Search uses Soundex which searches based on a sound-pattern key (so you don't have to spell it right). Contributing Members (as well as Moderators) will now also be allowed to add new files. All new files will be subject to approval by an admin (for legal reasons). Please let me know if you see any problems. Enjoy!
  8. I was doing some updates and they got misplaced... should be fixed now.
  9. A misfire but no codes? Sounds like someone needs to look at the TRA/FRA, MAF volume, and O2 sensor readings and compare them to known good running car. Where are you located?
  10. I think there is a rev limit in neutral on a Tiptronic but not 6 speed. Which is your car?
  11. Yes, the part number will depend on the color of the leather.
  12. 986.424.981.05.VRJ Shifter in Aluminum and Black Leather -- MSRP $496.96 (as of June 2006) -- I do not know if the horseshoe comes with that or not 996.424.980.22.8YR Handbrake in Aluminum and Black Leather -- MSRP $392.32 (as of June 2006)
  13. Could be the MAF is damaged.
  14. I think Jeff has a pic of Peter changing a Boxster wiring harness - what a mess. As I recall it was 8 plus hours... Good Luck!
  15. http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=24
  16. Any codes? Did you disconnect the battery for 5 minutes so the DME can re-learn the intake volume/pressures?
  17. On older Porsches you could swap the ring gear to the other side - I have never tried it on a 996 or 986 transmission.
  18. Remove and install heater/fresh-air blower motor with installed heating/fresh-air unit. Removal 1. Remove footwell bulkhead and right air guide. Pull off electrical plug connection on the blower motor and remove wire from the holder. The figure shows the heating/fresh-air unit when removed. 2. Pull off electrical plug connection on the ballast resistor and undo both fastening screws on the housing lid. The ballast resistor and housing lid are a spare part. Note When the housing lid is removed, the blower motor is simultaneously detached from its guide. Hold the blower motor and carefully remove it in downward direction. Installation 1. Install blower motor and fasten housing lid. 2. Tighten fastening screws carefully (plastic housing). 3. Engage electrical plug connections and perform a function test.
  19. The charcoal filter is more expensive but it will also remove some odors from the air. Either will work fine.
  20. Hmm... the dealer should have been able to see the charge rate (voltage) with their PST2 or PIWIS. They should also have done a specific gravity test on each of the battery cells. If you had other electrical problems I might suspect the ignition switch but it sure sounds like a bad battery to me.
  21. P1123 Oxygen Sensing Adaptation Area 1 (Cylinders 1 - 3) - Lean Threshold P1125 Oxygen Sensing Adaptation Area 1 (Cylinders 4 - 6) - Lean Threshold P1128 Oxygen Sensing Adaptation Area 2 (Cylinders 1 - 3) - Rich Threshold P1130 Oxygen Sensing Adaptation Area 2 (Cylinders 4 - 6) - Rich Threshold Very odd... This would indicate that your engine was running too rich for the DME to correct (P1123 & P1125) and also too lean for the DME to correct (P1128 & P1130). I guess the best thing to do is wait for it to come back and read them again.
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