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Everything posted by Loren

  1. I am not sure about RoW nav systems. Have a look at TSB 11/03 9110 PCM2 and BOSE Amplifier Spare Parts Requirements. That TSB is for US/Canada cars so RoW maybe slightly different (software). I think you will have to upgrade the PCM2, the BOSE amplifier and software.
  2. 996.541.901.08 windshield (tinted, with standard radio antenna) 996.541.901.09 windshield (tinted, upper part dark green, with standard radio antenna)
  3. Yes, reset your codes and see if they come back.
  4. http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/B00...p;link_code=as1 $22.63 at Amazon and RennTech.org gets small percentage ;) ;)
  5. Where is it located on the 996/997??Air cooled TT (ala 993) -- 996TT/GT2 use two smaller coolers that sit behind the air ducts on the sides of the 996TT/GT2.
  6. Looks like a TT intercooler to me...
  7. Yes, that is what Porsche recommends. Then you might still have a small amount of air trapped on the inside caliper piston side.
  8. M265 -- AUTOMATIC ANTI-DAZZLE INTERIOR MIRROR WITH RAIN SENSOR M440 -- MANUAL ANTENNA, 4 LOUDSPEAKERS --> MJ 2002 MJ 2003 --> ANTENNA DIVERSITY Check your sticker under the front trunck lid. It makes a difference in the part number.
  9. Do you have options M440 and/or M265?
  10. Model Year 2003. Have a look at the Glossary of Technical Terms here. Please have a look at the drop down menu labelled "Online Docs Menu" for even more info...
  11. There is a MY03 Owners Manual here. It should be very close.
  12. They are all the same. You can verify that here with our link to a downloadable PDF file.
  13. Try swapping the control module from one seat to the other and see if the problem follow the control module.
  14. If your car has option I1G1, I1G6, or I1G8 then you would need: 955.505.411.02.G2X Lining (prime coated) -- MSRP $390.81 (as of June 2006) and perhaps 955.606.275.02 Parkassist sensor -- $67.65 (each) total 6 on rear bumper 955.505.266.00 Sensor sleeve -- $24.47 (each) total 6 on rear bumper
  15. Model and year please...
  16. There are several part numbers for rear bumpers. I still need to know the the type of spare you have (because the shape changes for different options - hence different part numbers). If you do not know your spare type then please post your option numbers.
  17. Are you adding this to a car that does not have Parkassist? The part number will depend on the the type of spare you have. Parkassist was actually for both front and rear. I think you will also need each sender and the wiring harness to support them -- plus the control module. And I think will need the warning buzzer and wiring. I don't know anyone that has retrofit this (if that is what you are trying to do) - but it could be a bigger job than you think.
  18. US or RoW car? I would pull the headlight out (instructions in your owners manual) and have a look at the connector(s) that stay in the car. See if it is pushed out of it's holding brace or if one or more wire is loose in the connector. For the radio strart with the fuse.
  19. That would be an ASK amplifier. I sent you a PM...
  20. I would suggest cleaning it off then finding the point where the oil is coming from. Since oil pan is the one of the lowest points on the car oil will flow there. I've seen one cracked oil pan (and it leaked bad). Tools Pants and I watched a tech replace it. There is no gasket just a special tube of silicone sealant. Again, if it were my car I would confirm the point of origin for the oil before doing anything.
  21. Almost all codes are O2 related because the O2 sensors report the fault. O2 sensors can report a lean condition or rich condition or many other problems that have nothing to do with bad O2 sensors. If you don't know the codes go to an Autozone (or other parts store) and get your codes read for free. Without the codes everyone is just shooting in the dark.
  22. Please state the codes (all of them)... Thanks.
  23. Probably the spring (item 6) or the hinge (item 5). 996.201.413.01 Spring -- MSRP $1.85 (as of June 2006) 996.201.063.00 Hinge -- MSRP $9.71 How to remove fuel filler door
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