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Everything posted by Loren

  1. Porsche offers several sport and near race suspensions. If you want to lower the car then use their tuned parts - all of them. A Porsche suspension kit usually contains springs (or coil-overs), struts (with proper bump stops), and many times larger sway bars. IMHO - this is the only way to lower a Porsche.
  2. When a PSE is installed you re-use the old tips - so no they do not mean anything.
  3. When a PSE is installed you re-use the old tips - so no they do not mean anything. You need to look at the muffler and see if it has the bypass valve.
  4. Are you sure the part number is not 996.641.103.03.70C? 996 641 103 08 70C does not exist in my parts listing? 996.641.103.03.70C -- fits only MY99 US, rear wheel drive (C2), 6 speed.
  5. You could try Loctite Red. I have not seen the problem before. Perhaps it is a bad kit -- have you talked to the B&M folks?
  6. IMHO yes. I can not hear any difference to 2 or 3 large tube versions. There are too many to list here. Get me the part number off one of the mufflers - that will be enough to tell.
  7. It does say: "Model/Capacity in Liters (US quarts) (approx.) 911 Carrera (3.4 liter engine) - 8.50 liters (8.98 quarts) 911 Carrera (3.6 liter engine MY02 on) - 8.25 liters (8.71 quarts) Boxster - 8.50 liters (8.98 quarts)" I will add the US quarts just to make it "really" clear. Cheers! :cheers:
  8. You did look for the paper booklet on the back of fusebox cover? ;) MY03 TT
  9. It is probably best to put the car on a lift and pull the bottom cover so you can see where it is leaking. I've actually seen one of the metal lines leak that was damaged by a road hazard -- or an off-road experience ;)
  10. Check the gas cap seal first then go after the cannister purge valve. If both are okay then it be the MAF (reading less air that actual).
  11. Yes, but elsewhere in that TSB you will find: If you use 5 mm spacer (with any wheel or tire) your existing bolts will be 5 mm too shorter. This means that there will be 5 mm less thread contact to hold the wheel on. Porsche sells the 5 mm spacers with the longer (5 mm longer) bolts. I would not use the 5 mm spacers without the 5 mm longer bolts.
  12. P1123 Oxygen Sensing Adaptation Area 1 (Cylinders 1 - 3) - Lean Threshold P1125 Oxygen Sensing Adaptation Area 1 (Cylinders 4 - 6) - Lean Threshold These codes say your mixture is too rich for the DME to control (it has reached it leaning threshold). The O2 sensors are reporting the problem - they are not likely the cause. This could be something as simple as an open EVAP canister purge valve.
  13. The 5mm spacers require a longer wheel bolt. The 17mm spacers have bolts to the rotor/hub and then you use your original bolts to bolt the wheels to the 17mm spacers.
  14. The Retail Price Search feature (for our Contributing Members) has been updated to reflect September 2006 pricing for the US (only). We try and update this on a monthly basis as the price lists come available to us. For September 2006 the price lists support - US: 207,082 parts Choose your price list from the drop down menu
  15. Yes, these parts will fit MY97 to MY04 Boxster (986 series).
  16. There are three pieces for each door (left and right). 986.555.982.02 Right handle trim (carbon) 986.555.981.02 Left handle trim (carbon) 986.555.991.01 Right armrest cover (carbon) 986.555.990.01 Left armrest cover (carbon) 986.555.988.03.xxx Right door handle pull (carbon/leather) 986.555.987.03.xxx Left door handle pull (carbon/leather) you need to specify the leather color code for the door pulls (xxx). OR you can order the first two (armrest cover and handle trim) in one package: 000.044.800.88
  17. 5 mm front and rear or 5 mm front and 17 mm rear (with specified tire and wheel sizes).
  18. The car should not be driven with a flashing cell. Have someone like Autozone read your codes for free and report back here.
  19. Hava look at the announcment in any forum How to become a Contributing Member.
  20. You will find approved spacers as well as wheels and tires in TSB 2/04 4440 Summer Tire and Wheel Summary -- dated May 25, 2004. As a Contributing member you can read that in the TSb section here.
  21. No, it should be disconnected and taped.
  22. We have added and/or updated TSBs in the following categories today (27 total): Boxster (986) - 1 Boxster (987) - 3 Carrera (996) - 1 Carrera (997) - 10 Carerra GT - 2 Cayenne - 4 GT3 (996) - 1 GT3 (997) - 1 TT/GT2 (996) - 1 TT (997) - 3 All models (except the Cayenne V6) have a new "Engine Oils Approved By Porsche" seven page listing.
  23. Options tags were both under the front hood and in the service booklet that came with the owners manual. If you don't have either then you can get a Certificate of Authenticity from Porsche - for $95. It will tell you exactly what shipped on the car from, the factory. You can download the order form for the Certificate of Authenticity here.
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