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Everything posted by Loren

  1. All of your problems are on bank 2 (cylinder 4-5-6). Did they change your spark plugs on your 60k service? If so, they should look for cracked coils on that side. If the coils are ok then I would look at the Variocam adjuster on that side of the engine.
  2. Sorry, unless doncapecod or one of the other cab guys knows what you mean -- I don't. Maybe item 9 ( or 7)
  3. Check D8 (radio) and D9 (soundsystem).
  4. There might be some slow loss of fluid over time (oxidation, evaporation, etc.) but under normal use there is no need to flush/replace it.
  5. Do you have a pic? Post it if you can and Tool Pants and I will have a look. Last thing you want is an airbag going off - unexpectedly...
  6. I count six (6) coolant reservoir part number changes in the parts list...
  7. Do you remember where it said it was made? As I recall the bad switches were made in China. Either way I would try a new switch or pay the $200 and upgrade the lock and switch to the newer style - some PST2 programming may be needed.
  8. Yes, that is the correct number for a C2.
  9. Where did you get your switch? There have been some bad ones out there that died very fast.
  10. I would use the factory fluid which I believe is ATE Type 200 (gold).
  11. If you have the tool (right now only a PST2 or PIWIS) -- you can activate the ABS and flush it too. But most folks don't have the tool and unless you are changing grades (DOT3 to DOT 4) you likely will not have any problems.
  12. The wheels really hold the rotor on - the screws just keep them from falling off when you remove a wheel :lol:
  13. Look under Technical - 996 (Carrera, GT3, TT, GT2) > 996 (Carrera) - DIY > Carrera (996) - DIY Mods > 3rd Radiator Install Instructions -- here.
  14. M450 is PCCB. If you have steel brakes then you want: 996.351.409.02 Left Front steel rotor 996.351.410.02 Right Front steel rotor 996.352.405.00 Left Rear steel rotor 996.352.406.00 Right Rear steel rotor Torque is 7.5 ft-lbs. (10 Nm) = not much
  15. The wear indicator is just a wire. When continuity is broken then it turns the light on. One (or more) of your sensors has a broken connection. If you have an ohm meter you can unplug each one and test them.
  16. Replacing Reverse Lights/Back-Up Lights Switch
  17. A9 and A10 are the fuses for the low beam headlights. Yoseif's DRL hack has worked fine on many cars. If you want DRL this hack will do it without blown fuses or other problems.
  18. The 5525 code can be caused by a a faulty PSM/ABS - which can be caused by a bad MAF. If you were to unplug the MAF and drive the car it is common to have both the PSM and ABS lights come on - and then to get a torque transfer error from the DME. Since you have replaced the MAF (twice now) I think I would start looking a MAF wiring and connectors. If these all test as good and are not intermittent then the problem could be a bad DME.
  19. Yes, the standard 997 does not have the resonator connection in the air cleaner so you can skip that.
  20. The parts list only shows the X74 kit package- not what is in it. Try Jeff@sunsetimports.com - he can likely find out what is in the package. Tell him you wan the parts list for the RoW X74 package for a C2.
  21. Are you talking about using the RoW 993 RS motor mounts on a GT3 (mk2)? If so, you will need longer bolts and the parts below: 993rs_motor_mounts.pdf
  22. Other than the engine air filter those tasks are the same as on the 996. Have a look in the 996 DIY section under maintenance. The 997S air filter change is here in the 997 section. I'll have a look and see how different the 997 (non S) is.
  23. Unless it has the system has been broken and contaminated or fluid has leaked there is no need to add or change power steering fluid.
  24. Are you selling this? If so, it belongs in the For Sale - Parts section.
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