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Everything posted by Loren

  1. From the TSB (and several posts here) "... a new crankshaft sealing ring has been installed in the engines of the vehicles mentioned above since May 17, 2005."
  2. That Idle Control Valve is just a solenoid. Mine does not hum - at least not that I can hear. Are you sure you are not hearing the secondary air pump at startup?
  3. That would be the sensor closest to the engine (before the cat) on the right side (passenger side on US cars).
  4. P0133 Aging of Oxygen Sensor Ahead of Catalytic Converter (Cylinders 1 - 3) - Below Lower Limit P1275 Aging of Oxygen Sensor Ahead of Catalytic Converter (Cylinders 1 - 3) - Below Lower Limit "The diagnosis of "oxygen sensor aging" helps to identify oxygen sensors that exceed emission limits because of aging. During the diagnosis of oxygen sensor aging, the DME control module monitors the period of the sensor signal. With an old sensor, the duration of the period is too long, i.e. it is more difficult for the sensor to diffuse oxygen into the exhaust gas. Reasons for this could be frequent driving in the lower load range (city driving, short distances, etc.) or a contaminated sensor." The OBD II manuals says "Replace the sensor"
  5. The muffler could be at least a couple part numbers as there were two or three versions of the larger bypass tube mufflers (they are all interchangeable). Just don't mix small tube and large tube. 996.111.984.03 or 996.111.984.04 Left muffler 996.111.985.03 or 996.111.985.04 Right muffler The C4S has different part numbers too.
  6. 9L4 is black 9M5 is stone grey
  7. It is actually called order type and get to it by going to Vehicle Type (Boxster (986) then to DME -> then to Vehicle data. Then scroll down to (and highlight) Order type. Press F7 to change the order type to 986xxx (yours is likely blank). xxx being: 310 is normal Boxster (986) for USA 320 is 986 S car US model 330 is 986 Anniversary US model Press F12 to confirm the change. (these are from my 996 - but you get the idea) You will need to disconnect the tester - turn the ignition off. Then reconnect everything and set the cruise control on in both the DME and instrument cluster. Done!
  8. Headlight fault codes do not show up in any dash lights - only DME faults (and not all of them produce a CEL). I live in Morgan Hill (just South of San Jose) so if you are close I can look up my PST2 and check it out for you. Drop me a PM if you want to do this.
  9. That is the correct number.
  10. Perhaps you should try the shifter in another Boxster. I would not describe the stock shifter feel as "heavy". Perhaps your car has a problem with the shifter or cables?
  11. Odd that the RoW cars don't have that.
  12. TT and GT2 have fuel coolers but not the 996 Carrera.
  13. I the couple of these that I have heard of were both a worn or pinched wire under the seat. If you decide to remove the seat yourself be sure to disconnect the battery so you don't get an airbag light.
  14. Did you have it turned on in the cluster and DME both? (using a PST2 or PIWIS tester)
  15. I agree. ... and there is no need to double post.
  16. At least when it leaks now... it won't get the contents of the trunk wet :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
  17. Are you talking to Jeff Clark at Sunset Imports? He definitely know the difference between US and RoW M030 suspensions. Perhaps there is a misunderstanding. You could always order it from Gert@carnewal.com -- because of the strong Euro you will pay a bit more.
  18. Sunset Imports can get you RoW parts they just take longer since they are not sold in the US. RoW M030 is the standard for Sport Suspension everywhere except US/Canada. Just be sure you want 30 mm lower.
  19. If you live in the US take the car to an Autozone or other parts supply business and get your fault codes read for free. Check for a P0102 fault. P0102 is the same error you will get if the MAF is unplugged. This can also cause ABS and PSM lights to come on as the DME is not sensing the PSM data and combining it with the throttle position and mass air flow readings.
  20. Look for leaks in the rear trunk (lift the carpet) and near the left right rear wheel. Also, check around the (blue) cap for leaks. If your cap part number does not end in "01" it should be replaced. If you don't have any leaks then it is likely a bad level sensor.
  21. I would say the first step is hook the car up to a PST2 and see what the faults are? Since parts have been removed and either replaced or re-installed then a calibration would be in order also (PST2 again). Where are you located?
  22. That number (000.044.500.27) is for the (10 mm lower) US M030 suspension MY02-04, Coupe, 6-speed. If you want the ROW M030 (30 mm lower) then it is 000.044.500.35.
  23. Says a lot. My transmission/clutch does not rattle either... Hmm... maybe time to find a new shop... but I said that before... ;)
  24. Sorry, I posted the wrong part numbers - I have edited that post above. The last part number you posted (997.333.053.24) is for a 997TT.
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