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Everything posted by Loren

  1. :lol: of course that one is not in the manual...
  2. ECTS -- Engine Coolant Temperature Sensor So, you are correct that is the coolant temperature. Can you compare the actual values when it is not working to when it is? (or is that what you did above?) I guess you could verify the sensors by using a thermometer to check outside temp and inside temp and see if they are close to actual.
  3. :welcome: If you are sure it is coming from the starter and the drive belt then it could be the starter or the starter solenoid. If the noise continues after the car is running turn it off and do not drive it until it is repaired. Driving with the noise could damage the flywheel (very expensive) and clutch.
  4. Thanks for that - they sent me a beta but I didn't realize it is out already. This new version also works on the 987 and Cayman (987c).
  5. Correct - but the manual has even more tips...
  6. Could be the tire bead is leaking and needs to be re-sealed. Could be a leaking valve. Or, it could even be a leaking (porus) wheel. Find a really good tire shop in your area and let them have a look...
  7. 996.552.233.04.A03 Left trim -- MSRP $29.42 (as of Oct 2006) 996.552.234.04.A03 Right trim -- MSRP $29.42 (as of Oct 2006) 996.552.131.04.A03 Support frame -- MSRP $114.35 (as of Oct 2006)
  8. 0W-40 is the only weight "approved by Porsche" for use in these cars. What weight were you running?
  9. Send a PM to doncapecod - he likely knows someone there.
  10. You must have an early MY99 car. The parts list says to replace with: 996.106.250.55 Hose -- MSRP $52.02 and 996.106.243.54 Water return tube --MSRP $47.37 and you should use new spring clamps too. Talk to the good folks at Sunset Imports for parts at dealer cost plus 15% (Porsche Parts at Dealer Cost )
  11. My does it all the time - I usually drive my car 2 or 3 times a week. As long as the noise goes away when warm then you are likely okay.
  12. http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?showforum=159
  13. Likely just a hydraulic lifter. If the car is not driven for a few days the oil all drains down into the sump so when you start the car the lifters will make some noise - this is normal. Just give the car a little warm up time when it has not been driven for a few days - usually a minute or two is enough.
  14. What do you want the buttons to do? The steering wheel likely will fit but you would need to wire the functions to the wheel.
  15. Navigation disk are going to be available from either Navtech or Porsche in your country. Every country is different - so you need to talk to a knowledgable dealer that can tell you where to get it.
  16. On Board Computer
  17. Skipp - please have a little patience... give folks a couple of days to respond. A picture might help folks understand where the problem is too.
  18. Uh... a GT3 flywheel has 9 bolts and a Carrera flywheel has 8.
  19. Pretty much the same on a 997 - I think the clips are different.
  20. Sorry, but that is correct.
  21. Did the shop change out your alarm control box and forget to re-program the power window control? The controls are country specific.
  22. Did you enter them as I267 and I268?
  23. Model year of your car please and color of surround?
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