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Everything posted by Loren

  1. http://www.renntech.org/reviewpost/showpro...t=17&cat=31
  2. Okay, I usually do that with the mufflers off the car. You will need to spread the clamp more then with pliers.
  3. That would be the spring spacer compensation part - green is the thick spacer and white is thinner one.
  4. Pry them off with a screwdriver - but without bending the clamps.
  5. 175 to 180 for coolant is normal. For oil temperature anything under 250 is fine and even at track events or very hot days 250 for a while is okay. 275 or over and I would be concerned.
  6. He should be okay if he wraps the filter in newspaper overnight to absorb any excess oil. These filters (BMC and K&N) seem to come over oiled. I have been running a BMC (oiled) filter for over 6 years with no problems. Porsche also uses BMC filters on all their Cup cars and other race cars.
  7. "Remove existing fuel tank cap. 2.1 Open fuel filler flap on the vehicle (refer to Owner's Manual). 2.2 Push pin into the expansion rivet with a 2.5 mm punch. 2.3 Remove expansion rivet from the bore on the fuel filler flap with side cutters or pliers." It is all covered in a 4 page TSB.
  8. Todd, I think you will find your answers here.
  9. 1. Remove plastic plugs and undo the hexagon socket head bolts 2 from the sill by approx. 4 - 5 threads. 2. Lift sill 1 upwards out of the bottom support with a plastic spatula and press out. Check fastening clips 4, replace if necessary.
  10. Yes. http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?s...ost&p=14457
  11. I would put a good OBD II scan tool on the car and graph the O2 sensors as well as the TRA and FRA. Otherwise we are all shooting in the dark...
  12. Thanks for the great tip! :thumbup:
  13. See the reply right above yours...
  14. Yes, that is why I clarified that a 3.4 is a 3.4 and a 3.6 is a 3.6. If you are going to compare then use apples and apples - a C2 (or C4) vs C4S same model year with the same engine. ;)
  15. The C4S has the same engine as the C4 and the C2 - 320 hp (from MY2002). The C4S does come with the sport suspension as stock and is (in the US version) 10mm lower. C4S also gets the larger TT (steel) brakes.
  16. I think you are looking for the seat well carpeting. 996.551.021.00.M30 Rear seatwell carpeting in Boxster Red -- MSRP $649.79. Check with the folks at Sunset Imports (Porsche Parts at Dealer Cost) for better pricing. If you decide to do this please take some before and after pics. I know someone that also has a Boxster Red interior :rolleyes:
  17. If you remove the cover over the battery and the cover over the washer tank filler - you will see the wiper drive mechanism. Check the two connections (red arrows) and make sure they are not loose or stripped.
  18. Here it is on Amazon. I don't know of a UK supplier - I would try auto parts stores. HEET on amazon
  19. If you have water in the fuel - why not use a fuel dryer like HEET. That has worked for me and is a lot less trouble than draining the tank.
  20. The correct part number for your model year is: 996.341.053.16 -- MSRP $303.13 each. You might want to check with Sunset Imports (Porsche Parts at Dealer Prices) for a better price. Remember you would need an alignment after replacing these parts and if you have PSM you will need to check the steering-angle sensor calibration.
  21. That image is for a GT3 (or GT2) with adjustable camber shims. Do you want the stock (non-adjustable) part or do you want the race/track part? TRG and a few others sell the track parts.
  22. Yes, I think a couple of other members have that set - and recommend it. I see a sale price of $79.00 for that kit.
  23. Probably 17 mm rear and 5 mm front.
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