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Everything posted by Loren

  1. Hmm... I've been using the ISO version for years. Does it not connect?
  2. also known as O2 (oxygen sensors)
  3. 1. Yes, think if all the stress of cornering has on that mount. 2. and 3. You could use either. I think TRG has them as well as others. 4. 997.343.018.00 (yes, this is a 997 upgrade part from the 996 part).
  4. P1128 Oxygen sensing adaptation, idle range, bank 1 P1130 Oxygen sensing adaptation, idle range, bank 2 This means that your car is running too lean - the DME can not make the mixture rich enough to compensate for the lean condition. You should check your MAF (TRA and FRA) and look for other air leaks like a torn oil filler hose, or oil seperator.
  5. The Retail Price Search feature (for our Contributing Members) has been updated to reflect October 2006 pricing for the US (only). We try and update this on a monthly basis as the price lists come available to us. For November 2006 the price lists support - US: 208,565 parts Canada: 208,566 parts
  6. ... and you have checked the fuses?
  7. Removing interior light cover 1. Using a small screwdriver, carefully unclip both cover lenses 1 at the openings provided. 2. Undo fastening screws 2. Unclip cover 3 at the rear left and right, push forward towards the windscreen and remove. 3. Disconnect the electrical plug connection of the sliding roof rocker switch 4 and the interior light 5. Removing sun visors and brackets Unclipping front plastic lining 1. Undo fastening screws 6 in the plastic lining 7 at the front and unclip the lining out of the cowl panel frame 8 in a downward direction at the left and right. Detaching roof liner at sides 1. Unclip the metal strut of the roof liner 9 from the plastic clips 10 at the right and left. Disengaging rear plastic lining 1. Pull the rear plastic lining 7 towards the rear out of the roof frame 11 evenly on the left and right and disengage. Disengaging metal strut 1. Pull the metal brace 9 contained in the fabric pocket down in the center so that it bends. Pull the metal strut 12 out of the bracket on the left and right. Disengaging frame 1. Pull the frame of the sliding roof cut-out 13 backwards and downwards in the center at the front so that the frame overlap at the corners is reduced and it is possible to pull it out in a downward direction. Then pullout the roof frame diagonally via the sliding roof cut-out inwards into the passenger compartment. Install is the reverse.
  8. All of the warnings you are listing are on the B connector (blue). You should remove the cluster again and make sure the blue connector is properly connected and locked.
  9. They are both in the boot under the top - behind a panel. Contributing Member izzyandsue showed how to get at that panel in his Cab top hydraulic fluid DIY here. See the pics for top positioning, panel removal and access to the DME, Tip controller and top controller.
  10. The front rotors are a different design than the rears. I do not have a VIN list for RoW (HK vehicles). You will need to see a dealer for that.
  11. Your rotors look normal. The TSB instructs the dealer to replace the brake pads - at no charge - if your car is on the VIN list of those affected.
  12. Just click on Donate at the top of any page... Thanks.
  13. 1. Remove the cover trim at the left and right towards the front - by simply pulling it off. 2. Unscrew the fastening screw on each side. 3. Pull the sound package in the towards the front of the car and out of the bracket and fold over. 4. Disconnect the electrical plugs press side and pull apart.
  14. See the 3rd radiator instructions here. Bumper removal is described there (it is the same for a 996 and 986).
  15. Re-teach the Windows
  16. Have a look at the Porsche CPO list here.
  17. Sorry, there are no instructions because Porsche sells only the whole headlight assembly.
  18. http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=7592
  19. TSB 2/05 W551 W551 – Replacing Brake Pads -- dated 3-18-2005 This TSB (as well as all other TSBs) are available here to view by our Contributing Members.
  20. No, not to my knowledge. Look at your options list - under your front hood. If option code M601 is not on the list then you don't have Bi-Xenon.
  21. Carrera III - 18" wheels (for 997 wide bodies) Fronts: 57 mm Rears: 51 mm
  22. The only lights available in MY02 were standard Halogen (H7 and H9 bulbs) or Bi-Xenon (D2S). Only the Bi-Xenon had self leveling (or as Porsche calls it "Dynamic automatic beam angle adjustment" - AHBA). The dynamic beam angle adjustment for the Bi-Xenon system equates to the unit fitted into Carrera and Boxster models (986/996) and 911 Turbo since model year '99. The system is a major contribution to road traffic safety. Automatic correction of the beam angle when the load on the car changes or during pitching movements of the car caused by braking and accelerating reliably prevents dazzling of oncoming traffic and improves road surface illumination on braking.
  23. http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?s...ost&p=55669
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