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Everything posted by Loren

  1. 996 512 821 90 Adjusting Mechanism 4 Grad 996 512 823 90 Adjusting Mechanism 8 Grad The parts list does not say 1 pair or 2 each but I would assume they are sold in pairs. These are MotorSport part numbers.
  2. Yes 8.5 x 18 et 52 mm should fit without rubbing as long as the tires are under 245 (235 is fine 245 will rub some on lock to lock).
  3. Doesn't that have a fiber optic interface?
  4. http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=5 A bad tank sensor is not too uncommon.
  5. I looked for the link to instructions on this site but no luck. Could you help me out? My key is stuck in the on position. :huh: I had to kill the motor and disconnect the battery and then leave the front trunk open so I can get at the battery again. I called the dealer but he just says bring it in. That's a 30 mile tow from here. I do have a shop manual on CD from the UK. It told me to put a wire in the slot along side the tumbler while the key is in and tumbler will just come out. A large paperclip did the job. The key cylinder came out with the key. The key also came out of the cylinder. However, when I cleaned it up and put it back in, the key just gets stuck again, so the problem is the ignition switch. I can't figure out how to get it out without removing the whole dash. UK shop manual is no help there except I get the idea that in order to remove the dash (should that be needed) I first need a PhD in rocket science. (2001 Boxster S) Replacing the Ignition Switch
  6. http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=7065
  7. The process for a GT3 is the same as a Carrera. Have a look at the DIY here to see if it is what you want to try.
  8. probably not if you are careful. Yes, it might take a minute or two to synch then it will ask for the code(s).
  9. P1341 Camshaft Adjustment, Bank 1 – Below Limit, Above Limit, Signal Implausible Potential causes: – Short to ground – Open circuit in triggering wire – Open circuit in B+ supply – Actuator faulty
  10. As I recall the Nav has to come out to get to the horseshoe off. Just press in on the release clips on each side of the nav and slide forward so you can disconnect the cables. You will need your code when you start the nav back up again.
  11. Model year of your car? US/Canada or RoW?
  12. We have added and/or updated TSBs in the following categories today (13 total): Boxster (986) - 1 Boxster (987) - 2 Cayman (987c) - 2 Carrera (996) - 1 Carrera (997) - 3 Cayenne - 2 996 TT - 1 997 TT - 1
  13. Have a look at TSB 4/99 6420 Noises at the Windshield and Rear Window -- dated 7-13-1999.
  14. http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=8247
  15. I would start with the P1341. Look for a shorted or broken wire/connector. If not you will need a new actuator. With those codes (P0300) your CEL should have been flashing - was it?
  16. Have you checked to see if you have any power steering fluid in the tank (in the engine compartment)? If there is none -- then buy some and start looking for the leak.
  17. That is normal - US only gets one bright rear fog light - so you don't mistake it for brake lights. Check the brown wire and make sure you have a proper ground (continuity). Check the other wire and see if there is ~12 volts there when on. It could still be just a bad socket.
  18. I think they both have their uses and a PST2 or PIWIS are a significant investment ($2000 to $18,000). I wonder if you have a bad MAF connector or a pinched wire.
  19. Hmm... I use the DB9 direct. I have not tried his USB cable. No, there is no ABS info (other than Pcode faults) unless you manually enter the hex code queries - which I have not tried.
  20. As I recall the 996 TT has never had a dipstick (since 2001). The Boxster and Carrera model lost their dipstick with the 987 and 997 models. The older Boxster and Carrera had both electronic and mechanical (dipstick) measurement. Only the V6 (VW design) Cayenne engine has a dipstick the Cayenne S and TT do not. Of course the ($400,00 plus) Carrera GT does not have a dipstick.
  21. Porsche Parts at Dealer Cost Featured item top left of the page - about $82 to $98.
  22. MY99 C4 - standard suspension Front struts: 996.343.043.02
  23. 1. Remove tail lights (1 - 10 mm bolt inside the engine compartment). 2. Remove bumperettes (impact horns on only USA version) - Unclip closure cap, undo fastening screws and remove impact horn. The fastening screws can remain on the bumper with the washers. 3. Remove cover molding (metal strip and screws where the lid closes) and sheetmetal screws from the bottom side of the bumper cover. 4. Disconnect license plate light plug connection. 5. Remove rear bumper.
  24. Try emailing gert@carnewal.com - I know he has PSS-9 coilovers for PASM equipped 997's so he can likely get them for a 987.
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