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Everything posted by Loren

  1. The most likely causes (of these types of noises) are a loose rear swaybar or a broken engine mount.
  2. Once you unlock the car with a key and started the car it should return to normal. If it does not then you may need to re-train or "reboot" your key. Do a search and you will find both procedures here.
  3. Let me clarify my response - you only need a VIN if the part is a special order item (from the Exclusive Department). These items would be things like deviating stitching, or special leather covered trim. You do not need a VIN to order a (standard) leather gearshift knob, or handbrake assembly, steering wheel, etc.. ... and IMHO a good dealer will find a way to get you the part you need/want.
  4. Here in the For Sale - Cars section, PCGB (www.porscheclubgbforum.com) if you are a member, and Rennlist.com.
  5. Welcome back! If the car has been sitting more than 5 days then the remote alarm control has shut down to conserve power. You will need to use the key to unlock the door and turn the alarm off. This is normal and described in the owners manual.
  6. I sent you a PM...
  7. You guys need to find new dealers. ;) Sunset Imports or Carnewal.com will sell you any Porsche OEM equipment without your VIN.
  8. Check under the drivers seat for moisture - it is not too uncommon to have water (in a Cab) get to the control box under the seat. Also, look for loose or frayed wires under the seat (also fairly common).
  9. What year is your car? I think I might have a schematic around somewhere...
  10. You are joking - I have never heard of that one. Who (and where is the dealer)?
  11. Yes, they will clear. It is recommended that you use at least an 8" front wheel with a 235 (and 8.5 with a 245) width tire. I believe your front wheels are 7.5". When I went to wider front tires I did an exchange with Wheel Enhancement. I got new 8" wheel they got a very good set of used 7.5" wheels. The exchange price made the deal very attractive.
  12. Here is your parts list for the repair. You will need to identify the parts you need. I suggest a discount parts dealer like Sunset Imports (Porsche Parts at Dealer Cost). boxster_power_steering_parts.pdf
  13. Porsche Parts at Dealer Cost (Sunset Imports)
  14. Castrol Optitemp LG 2 http://www.castrol.com/castrol/productdeta...ntentId=6004156
  15. It holds the shifter in a fixed position - you then can adjust the cables by how they are dropped into the slots on the shifter rods.
  16. We have just added the MY07 owners manuals for the Carrera (997). Boxster (987) and Cayman (987c).
  17. MY99 and MY00 will be very very close. my99_obc.pdf
  18. Yes, the instrument cluster is different, as well as radio and nav systems. Try the folks at Sunset Imports (Porsche Parts at Dealer Cost) - I think the last owners manual I got from them was about $18.
  19. I think a Tiptronic problem like that will also throw a P-Code in the 17xx range. It might be good to go to Autozone or some other parts place and get your codes read for free.
  20. Owners manual page 84 and if you have the OBC option page 113 also. Likewise look to the section in your PCM manual titled "Setting Units".
  21. http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?s...ost&p=42701
  22. I would check the connections on the central locking/alarm control box.
  23. Sure, anything from a 265 to 295 will work on that 10" wheel. I run 285s on my 10 x 18s.
  24. Inside the the hub of the rear rotors.
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