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Everything posted by Loren

  1. 60 downloads

    Spanish 996 Buyers Guide -- print version. Provided by Joaquin Fdez of Soloporsche.com
  2. 80 downloads

    Spanish 996 Buyers Guide -- on screen version. Provided by Joaquin Fdez of Soloporsche.com
  3. Sunset Imports or Carnewal.com
  4. They are pretty easy to change. Since they come with the retractor you just bolt them in place of the old ones.
  5. The switch is at the front trunk latch assembly. See the DIY (adjustment) here.
  6. I think it would be more cost effective to trade for a Tiptronic car. Tiptronics use different springs and shocks because the cars weight balance is different. You would also need a 3rd radiator cooling lines to the Tiptronic ATF cooler.
  7. Since you mention horn - are you sure it is not the horns going off (steering wheel horn issue)? If not, and the lights flash etc. then I would check under the drivers seat first for water - that is where the control box is and when you have a leak that seems like the first place water goes.
  8. ... and you are located where? (Country and state/province) ... and you want left or right or both?
  9. The wiring between the a MY00 radio and MY02 look to be the same.
  10. Sounds like the onboard computer networking control box that controls the lights. Probably time to have them put a Porsche system tester (PST2 or PIWIS) on it.
  11. Are you sure it was Tool Pants? ;)
  12. If the battery is 4 years or older my bet would be the battery.
  13. There are o-rings in the spark plug tubes. The early cars had some problems with those leaking - but your car is new enough that they should not leak. That is why I suggested cleaning the area and making sure where the oil is coming from. Any good engine cleaner. It is hard to say where you live - dealers here charge from $1000 to about $1300 and give a 2 year warranty. Independent shops charge less but usually have a 30-90 day warranty on their work.
  14. I suggest cleaning all the oil off the car and then start the car and get it good and hot. Park the car and see if you can observer exactly where the leaks start from. If you haver a leak where the engine and transmission join it is likely an RMS leak or an IMS leak ... or both.
  15. If you turn the wheels while parked on level ground can you reproduce the noise? or While the car is at rest on level ground can you reproduce the noise by (gently) pressing down and releasing the the suspension?
  16. http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=2674
  17. Looks like they come out the bottom to me. The parts list says they are H3 bulbs. (item 21 is the bulb and 22 is the socket and 23 are "repair kit bulb holder")
  18. The Cayenne service manual says...
  19. The relay has to be part number 996.618.980.01 or 996.618.980.02 or 996.618.980.03. You need to find the right relay.
  20. Hmm... what is the part number on your relay?
  21. If your relay ends in 01 or 02 then it will be different. I doubt you have the dash switch either - do you?
  22. Should be very similar to the Boxster procedure here. Just the engine and transmission are reversed.
  23. Yes, if your car is a MY99, 6 speed, C4, coupe.
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