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Everything posted by Loren

  1. Both the AC and Power Steering high pressure hose are over there (I can't tell which one from the pic). Follow the leaking hose back to either the compressor or power steering pump to find out.
  2. http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?s...ost&p=55764
  3. 986.424.010.04 is the only shifter assembly in the parts list for the MY04- GT3
  4. Personal Profile Portal RennTech.org has a totally redesigned personal portal page with the following features: Friends list - manage your friends for easier PMing, to see if your friends are currently online and display your friends on your profile Profile comments - allow visitors to leave comments on your profile. You can set to moderate all new comments before they're shown. Recent visitors - recent visitors are shown on your profile. Your content - show your recent posts / blog entries / gallery uploads on your profile Personal statement - add a short bio for others to read Member rating - rate other members Set your gender Easy access to edit your location, age and IM details Friends List: Reciprocal Adding. When approving friends you can choose between "Approve & Add to my list" and "Approve Only". Friends List: Mutual Friends List: View who you've added and who's added you. Profile: Profile View Counter Profile: Ability to set the number of last visitors, comments and friends in the sidebar Profile: Ability to use basic BBCode for formatting the personal statement Member List: Ability to sort member list by profile views. Tool to convert previous versions contacts into new versions non-mutual friends Tool to convert previous versions photos to new versions Profile Photos New Text Editor New Style The text editors, both standard and rich text (WYSIWYG) have been completely rewritten to make them more intuitive and faster to load. Clutter has been reduced with the new dynamic menus. Switch You can now switch between the rich text editor and the standard editor without the need to reload the page or visit your User Control Panel. New Attachment System Upload without the reload RennTech.org has a new attachment system that enables one to upload attachments without having to reload the post screen. The new attachment area is directly below the text editor. New Style The attachment system has had a complete overhaul and is now styled along side the new text editor New Spoiler and Acronym tags There are new Spoiler and Acronym tags that you can use in posts. A Spoiler tag hides text until someone highlights it with their mouse. For example: You see this Acronyms are great for explaining a term or phase. Just position your mouse over the dotted unlined word to see it's meaning. For example: If disable your ABS you will have trouble stopping the car in an emergency. New Thumbnail Design Attached image thumbnail previews now have information above and below the thumbnail offering original file size and original dimensions. Inline message system RennTech.org has an on-the-fly message system to confirm actions taken place. This is an important new part to the user interface especially when using ajax when it's not always apparent that an action has taken place. Auto resizing of large linked images Posted images are automatically resized on-the-fly if they are larger than the available screen width of the browser. Clicking the image displays it full size in a pop-up window. Each reduced image has information above stating how much reduction has taken place and the dimensions of the original image. Ability to reset password by email or username If the login type is 'username' a second field on the reset password screen will display to allow a user to reset their password by their email address. That is, they can enter their email address (i.e. if they forget their username) and the process will proceed as normal. Reviews Section The Reviews section will be re-done to a new/better/more compatible system that interfaces with the forums better. I hope to convert all the existing product reviews to the new system when it is ready. Edit - The Reviews section will require you to login (at the Reviews page) in order to reset the cookie for that application. You should only need to do this once (for each computer that you use). I likely missed a few new features so I will try and update this posting as time goes on. Please let me know if you see any errors or mistakes. Thanks!
  5. I do not know the differences. Jeff (Tool Pants) and I have looked at many of these and we can not see anything different. If there are differences they are very subtle. Together we have likely installed several dozen B&M SSK kits and they have worked on all versions of the factory base shifter.
  6. No, the Carrera (996) uses: 996.424.010.04 for MY02 and older 996.424.010.05 for MY03 and newer or for MY04 and MY05 you can use the factory short shifter 997.424.983.00
  7. Be careful not scratch anything taking the seat out.
  8. See the 996 DIY - it is basically the same for a 997.
  9. Tiptronic codes are still classified as P-Codes so any reader that can do OBD II should read them. Autozone should work fine.
  10. The Tiptronic codes are also listed here on the site -- Tiptronic P-codes
  11. Sorry, those are part of the AC/Heater controller. The parts list does not list them separately.
  12. PSM switch is 955.613.153.00.6N3 PSM Switch in matt black. I will need a pic or other description for the other switches as I am not familar enough with the Cayenne switches to know which ones you are talking about.
  13. I think it is better to use a charger. Also, if it is going to sit for a long period of time then consider gas stabilizer and tire cradles (or put the car on jack stands).
  14. Unfortunately yes, you need a PST2 or PIWIS from a shop or private owner -- unless you disconnect the connector and hook it up to 12 volts.
  15. http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?s...ost&p=45536 Item 7 in the diagram.
  16. Here are the latest (from Porsche) promo pics of the MY08 Cayenne. Other (sales) details are available at the Porsche website. Order guide(s) are here.
  17. http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?s...ost&p=42702
  18. For a MY06 Boxster (987): 987.803.033.02.V02 Left seatbelt in speed yellow -- MSRP CDN $330.95 987.803.034.01.V02 Right seatbelt in speed yellow -- MSRP CDN $330.95 (prices as of November 2006)
  19. Carnewal.com sells a kit with the parts assembled and ready to put on the car. I don' think Porsche has a kit. You would need to buy shocks, springs, additional springs, upper support mount for the fronts. And for the rears shocks, springs, compensating plates, and upper ring support. Essentially all the X73 parts and assemble them.
  20. I don't see it listed as separate item - only the whole switch assembly. Try JeffClark@sunsetimports.com. He may have a better idea if you can order just the lever.
  21. Please do not double post - I answered your question here.
  22. We have added and/or updated TSBs in the following categories today (16 total): Boxster (986) - 1 Boxster (987) - 3 Cayman (987c) - 3 Carrera (996) - 1 Carrera (997) - 5 Cayenne - 2 Other - 1
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