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Everything posted by Loren

  1. 996.613.125.00 Left side microswitch
  2. For a MY99 Boxster (non S) Porsche only sells a repair kit that includes: bolt, expanding spring and securing clip. The same kit is used for both front and rear - so if you need them for all wheels you would order 4 kits. 996.352.959.01
  3. Model Year and "S" or normal please?
  4. No grease points on the suspension.
  5. Scouser has updated the VIN Decoder. The VIN Decoder is here. Now includes a built in help and explanation of each value. Many thanks to Scouser for his continued efforts, work, and updates to this fine tool! :clapping:
  6. As of MY02, all Carrera and Boxster models are fitted with belt tensioners and belt-force tensioners. The pyrotechnic ball belt tensioner is combined with the belt-force limiter in one unit. The threshold value for triggering the pyrotechnic belt tensioner is calculated as for the airbag actuation from the sensor signals for vehicle deceleration. The triggering of the belt tensioner during a frontal collision takes place together with the triggering of the front airbags. During a rear collision only the belt tensioner is triggered. After a collision both the airbags and the seat belts are replaced (if triggered).
  7. Maybe a rock or pebble stuck between the rotor and heat shield?
  8. Look for some similar posts here and in the Boxster section (same A/C mechanism). I seem to recall some issues with foam or weatherstripping hitting the fan.
  9. Most likely something as simple as a microswitch. A PST2 or PIWIS will likely narrow the problem down. Where are you located? Do you know an independent or a friendly dealer with a PST2 or PIWIS?
  10. Remove the wheel to get better access. Well, you might want to pick up some of the plastic rivets that the fender liner in place - if they are very old they will likely break when removed. I can't remember there being much room to work (if you have big hands like me) but you should have enough room to push it through the hole while you put the rose back on. I wouldn't think it would take an hour - and you might be able to just pull that section of the fender liner back rather than removing the whole thing. So maybe a 3 or 4.
  11. As I recall you should be able to get to that by removing the inner fender liner.
  12. If you mean the rectangular frame that goes around the climate control then it is 996.552.677.00.01C. If you mean what is inside of that frame - then that is the control unit itself - and that will be expensive.
  13. I am getting the rear spoiler failure light. Spoler does not go up. What should I do? Thanks David Under what conditions? What model year car? Standard, or aftermarket spoiler?
  14. Just to clarify... The standard rear tire on MY99-MY01 with 18" wheels was 265. MY02 and newer got 285's. There is no problem running 285's on the standard wheels. Porsche did that on the GT3 Mk1 and I have been running 285 rears on my MY99 car for over 6 years.
  15. Only Moderators or an admin can change a topic title "after the fact". I have edited the title here.
  16. There is a TSB on this dated 9-28-01. Basically Porsche changed the heat range from a 5 to a 6 on cars build after August 14, 2001. Any and all replacments are to be the newer plug (heat range 6). The correct plug for all TT and GT2 is 999.170.195.90.
  17. ALLDATA®diy.com's Online Database contains automotive repair information Just For Your Car®. We offer the most comprehensive collection of automotive diagnostic and repair data in the world!
  18. You did check the fuse in the front trunk? Panel 1 (center panel of 10 fuses) fuse 3 -- should be 25A
  19. You are the man! Board should be called LORENTECH.ORG Thanks again. Joe :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: There are many knowledgeable folks here... I just have too much free time... :P
  20. The alarm system goes through a self-test and a zone test prior to arming. During this preset test the alarm light to flashes at twice it's normal rate (twice per second) until all zones are checked and the alarm goes into "armed" mode. Then the alarm light flashes normally (about once per second).
  21. Page 76 of the MY03 Boxster Owners Manual
  22. Part 2... Because of your water damage you may want to check these ABS ground points too. Ground point 2 = The ground point is located on the left in the luggage compartment Electronics ground = The ground point (arrow) is located on the dashboard support frame (A)
  23. For MY99 1. Control module 2. Relay 3. Fuses 4. Speed sensors 5. MILs and information lights 6. TC (OFF) rocker switch with light
  24. :lol: :lol: :lol: a bit off topic here but I did get a chuckle out of the instructions pic with the word "Illustrationation". I think something got lost in the translation...
  25. Most dealers in the bay area give minimum discount of 10% to PCA members. It looks like Sunset's price much better than that (plus no tax). I doubt any bay area dealers have one in stock either.
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