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Everything posted by Loren

  1. Use new fasteners .The header nuts should always be replaced. Exhaust fasteners can hardly ever be reused.
  2. Does the new LED light have instructions? The wire2 should be marked (i.e. power and ground).
  3. It is an LED so watch the polarity.
  4. 1. 999.084.447.09 Hex Nut (3 per side) -- US MSRP $1.17 each (as of January 2007) 2. 996.343.509.01 Bellows -- US MSRP $50.92 each (as of January 2007) 3. 996.343.301.02 Additional Spring (bump stop) -- US MSRP $15.38 each (as of January 2007)
  5. DRL are not standard on US Porsches only Canadian Porsches. Perhaps someone did the hack on your car (pretty easy to reverse) or perhaps your car is a Canada spec car?
  6. For safety (legal) reasons you can not turn off an airbag light by disconnecting the battery. You will need the Durametric Software, or a PST2 or a PIWIS tester to turn off the airbag light. Where are you located? Perhaps there is a member close to your location that can do this for you.
  7. Can you give me some more information about this service bulletin ? I have the same problem but my dealer says he never heard about this problem and the service bulletin. Thank you Philip Tell your dealer to look at TSB 7/05 4075 Noises From Around The Front Spring Struts While Driving -- dated Sept. 13, 2005
  8. That is true since you will be drilling the old hinge mounts. Just keep a vacuum handy and don't drop parts inside the console. ;) We have posted the Porsche procedure: http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=245
  9. It's not too hard to get to. You will need to loosen or remove the wheel well liner on the drivers side. Everything is there.
  10. How many miles? If it is over 40,000 check the diverter valves for cracks and other hoses.
  11. Model year of your car? US/Canada car or RoW car? 1. The turn signal flasher relay is in position 3 (that would be 3rd from the left. The relays are on the relay/fuse panel on the left bulkhead (next to your left foot if you are in a LHD car). 2. Perhaps off the switch on the brake pedal?
  12. You need to look at the drain plug on you car - some are triple square and some are hex. http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?s...post&p=2279
  13. Yes, a MY99 has the OBC as standard. It needs to be turned on using a PST2 or PIWIS tester. From default you will get outside temperature - if you want the rest of the OBC functions you will need to install the OBC stalk or do the OBC hack described elsewhere on this site.
  14. To my knowledge there is very little difference between a GT2 chassis and the TT chassis. The suspensions are quite different and of course 2 wheel drive vs. 4 wheel drive.
  15. Porsche previously spec'ed 15W-50 but removed it from their list about 4 years ago. I know folks that still use it with no problems - although in the winter I personally would use the 0W-40.
  16. There is an announcment pinned at the top of every forum. How to become a Contributing Member
  17. The dealer that did the work might cover it but a different dealer has no obligation (other than hoping for more of your business) to fix it.
  18. Still dreaming? :lol:
  19. If the oil is from a spark plug "socket" then it is likely an oil seal for one of the tubes. Your dealer should have checked those when he changed the plugs - especially since some of the very early MY99 cars had bad o-rings that needed to be replaced. The dealer should warranty any work that they did - but since they repair any "oil leaks" then I'm not sure they would cover that. Maybe as a courtesy since it would appear they missed it. If you had an RMS (or Intermediate Shaft Seal ) leak then the leak would drip from the center of the car - right between the engine and transmission.
  20. If your car is a MY2000 Boxster then it has e-gas and then it must be a DME 7.2. That section of the Porsche DME 7.2 OBD II manual was updated in supplement 3 sometime in 1999. My guess is that Bentley got the information from an older manual. I would clean the MAF (do a search here as this has been covered many times) -- then reset the CEL.
  21. Loren

    04' GT3 Brakes,

    Define 04 TT "BigReds" -- the stock TT brakes are "big" and "red". The MY04 GT3 (steel) rotor sizes are: Front: 350 mm Rear: 330 mm The MY04 TT (steel) rotor sizes are: Front: 330 mm Rear: 330 mm
  22. P1128 Oxygen Sensing Adaptation, Idle Range, Bank 1 – Above Limit What does that mean: It does NOT mean you have a bad O2 sensor. The O2 sensors report the fault - they are not the fault in this case. The fuel/air mixture is so lean that sensing has reached its rich threshold. That is, the DME thinks the mixture is too lean so it has richened the mixture to the point it can not make it any richer. Chances are the MAF is giving a faulty signal to the DME. Potential causes (from the Porsche DME 7.2 OBD II manual): – Incorrect signal from MAF sensor – Intake air system leaking – Fuel pressure too low – Volume supply of fuel pump too low – Fuel injectors fouled – Exhaust system leaking If that is the only fault you have I would start by cleaning the MAF or replacing it.
  23. When you registered you agreed to: "You agree not to post any copyrighted material unless the copyright is owned by you or by this bulletin board." Please do not ask others break the law here. Try calling Navteq and talking to a read person.
  24. A Bosch what? KTS500 or KTS650? Could be the cluster has been replaced/upgraded and was not reset to the previous cluster or DME miles.
  25. The Retail Price Search feature (for our Contributing Members) has been updated to reflect January 2007 pricing for the US (only). We try and update this on a monthly basis as the price lists come available to us. For January 2007 the price lists support - US: 209,758 parts Canada: 209,209 parts (December 2006)
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