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Everything posted by Loren

  1. Craig is correct with the main part number 996.347.983.00 A few color codes change with model year. For example if you want black: 8YR would be for MY00 and older A28 would be for MY01 and newer Many of the leather colors have multiple color codes also - so you would need to tell us your model year and color to get the exact number.
  2. PM Eric (Plug Guy) - I'm sure he and his company knows.
  3. Do you mean on the car? It should be in the owners manual on your options sticker. On the options sticker under the front hood. If not in any of those places then The paint data plate is attached to the left side wall under the carpet in the luggage compartment.
  4. And your fault code is???
  5. Sounds high to me. I had a 5 year/100,000 miles for $2495.
  6. Both go to the alarm/central locking control unit. Any other weird electrical problems?
  7. UK and US clusters are different. Plus you need to look for a like model C2 or C4, 6-speed or Tiptronic, etc.
  8. Please try a search - this has been covered here many times for the 986 and 996 (the process is the same).
  9. Have a look at TSB 1/98 1546 New O-ring on Oil Protection Pipe --dated May 14, 1998.
  10. :lol: Porsche's term for certain decorative trim pieces is "rose". They call the trim around the ignition switch that as well as the trim around the rear panel where the seat belt hides inside the panel. There are probably more but those two come to mind.
  11. Looks like it just pulls straight out.
  12. You need a special adapter cable from Becker. http://www.beckerautosound.com/parts/cable_part_number.html
  13. The most common problem is dirty sensors. They don't sense properly when they are covered with dirt, ice or snow.
  14. MY99 had some clutch spring problems - so if the noise is coming from under the dash (rather than the rear of the car) then the problem is likely a pedal/clutch spring problem. There are a couple of TSBs on this problem. If the noise is a creaking noise from the transmission bell housing then they likely did not replace your clutch release arm when they changed your clutch. Some MY99 cars had bad clutch release arms - there is a TSB on this also.
  15. There is a TSB on this. You need to make sure the bumper and headlight vents are not blocked with debris. I have also seen a poorly aligned bumper cover that made this problem worse. BTW... Porsche says a small amount of "fogging" is normal and the ventilation system should clear it in normal driving.
  16. The valve cover oil leaks should not be related to the emissions code you got previously. If the code did not come back then the problem is cured. Are you sure the valve cover gaskets are leaking and not the oil tubes or Variocam sensors? I would clean the area good and try to ascertain exactly where the leaks are coming from.
  17. Model year of your car please?
  18. Alan, Do a search here for "instrument cluster". The removal has been covered many many times.
  19. The back seat area in a coupe and cab are different. The cab has roll down windows the coupe does not. I doubt the seats or panels from a cab would work at all in a coupe.
  20. If it was the clutch slave cylinder I would think you would have the trouble in all gears.
  21. Two things I can think of to look at: 1. The cable adjustment at the shifter end. Any work been done like a short shifter added? If so, they may have gotten the cables out of adjustement. 2. Under the car where the cable actuate the lever arms on the transmission - look for a bent arm.
  22. Did you read the TSBs on this?
  23. http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?s...ost&p=44724
  24. The classification listed out in your manual is GL5 or MIL-L2105B. If the fluid is 75W90 and meets or exceeds the API classification you will be fine.
  25. http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?s...ost&p=47662
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