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Everything posted by Loren

  1. 996.575.161.01 is only used on C4S and TT.
  2. 996.505.531.01 is the retaining strip (item 23 below) (this is the same on both a standard bumper and C4S/TT bumpers) 996.575.161.01 is the (under bumper) air duct (item 10 below)
  3. Folks - gas-man is asking about the "GT3 MotorSport seal" not the 997 (Cayenne style seal).
  4. What is wrong with the one here... The author is a member here.
  5. Just to clarify (on US/Canadian cars) there are two clutch switches -- one for the clutch interlock and one for cruise control.
  6. The longer bolt set that comes with the 5 mm spacers includes longer wheel lock bolts. At least it did last time I saw the kit.
  7. http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=7592
  8. EVO and TRG (as I recall) both sell camber plate kits (front and rear) for the 996.
  9. http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?a...id=1&st=120
  10. Unfortunately, a common problem with no easy cure. There are felt-like strips that help guide the window in the frame (quietly). If these strips get grease on them or some other type of car cleaner/protectant then they will smear the stuff on the window each time it is opened or closed. Sometimes it goes away on it's own (wears off) and sometimes if you clean the window several times in a row you will minimize it or clear it off.
  11. Looks normally open in the schematic I have.
  12. Works fine for me... http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=8024
  13. The fuel tank used on the C4/C4S/TT and TTS are the same. A C2 holds 16.9 gallons/64 liters. C4/C4S/TT/TTS holds 16.6 gallons/63 liters.
  14. All TSB content is available here to Contributing Members. See How to Become a Contributing Member here
  15. Steve, Start with the thread here for pics and help on the oil protection o-rings... http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?s...ost&p=14877 Sometimes member Porschelibrarian can get manuals for a discount. Try PMing him.
  16. http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?a...code=carrera997
  17. I would find a shop with a PST2 or PIWIS tester and have them go through he alarm and locking tests. I'd hate to see you replace the control box if the tester can pinpoint another source of the problem.
  18. On a car under warranty most TSBs are no cost to the owner.
  19. I am closing this as it is becoming "non-constructive".
  20. Yes that is the number for the coupe -- US MSRP $953.51.
  21. Only C4 has a problem with this - it is even noted in the Owners manual. The C4 has a "saddle bag" fuel tank - that is, part of the tank sits on each side of the front wheel drive axle. So the fuel level sender is only on one side and it does not know how much gas is on the other side - it guesses. So if you let the tank get too low it can get confused. The easy fix is to always fill the tank as it reaches the 1/4 mark.
  22. Based on the squeak - I would start with the belt.
  23. Yes. That is the standard 3 spoke (normal size) wheel in leather.
  24. Sub woofer to fit a Cab or Targa. You would need to add a color code to end of the part number to order. For example: 996.645.567.00.A10 would be a sub woofer enclosure in black.
  25. Oh... now you tell us it's a Tip... now you see why we ask for: - Model year - Body Style (i.e. C2 Coupe, C4 Cab, C4S Cab, etc.) - Transmission type (i.e. 6 speed or Tiptronic) - Interior color (when relevant) -· Country specific information (LHD, RHD, RoW, US, Canada) ;) A different steering wheel with switches. The part number 996.347.804.64 is a standard 3 spoke leather wheel for a Tip. You will want 996.347.983.01 plus your color code.
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