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Everything posted by Loren

  1. Factory spec is: 670 ± 40 rpm The slight hesitation is likely the VarioCam cut-over point. There have been several discussions here about it.
  2. :welcome: Please try our Search function as many questions have been answered here (including this one) many times... http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?s...ost&p=55446
  3. 30 -- 999 507 040 40 expander nut 31 -- 999 073 080 02 tapping screw 32 -- 900 025 024 40 washer 33 -- 900 143 134 00 tapping screw 34 -- 999 591 498 40 expander nut 35 -- 996 701 801 00 spacer (left) (35) -- 996 701 802 00 spacer (right) 36 -- (not used on US cars) 37 -- 996 701 107 00 support (option 218) 38 -- 900 144 182 09 tapping screw
  4. Your code plus 2... ;)
  5. If it is a good dealer (and since there is a TSB on the problem) they still might fix it for free...
  6. Is your car under warranty? This is covered in a TSB (most likely a bad amp) and should be fixed under warranty.
  7. The Service Reminder can be reset with the Durametric Software (about $247) or by any shop (or owner) with a PST2 or PIWIS.
  8. You are right power steering is Pentosin and it is a green color. Either way I would pull the front underside cover and see where it is coming from. Tool Pants had a leak in his steering box for a couple of years as I recall.
  9. :oops: I must have been asleep before... A MY02 996 cluster does not support CDR-23. MY02 still had CDR-220. Only thing that can I think of to try would be the CDR-23 setting in the DME.
  10. Green makes me think coolant. Red makes me think steering gear (power steering fluid). Is it oily or watery?
  11. Sounds like the emissions air pump near the engine to me. That will run for a couple of minutes at start up.
  12. Yes, Porsche shows different part numbers for Tip mufflers. I do not the difference.
  13. http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=2950
  14. I would define it as light.
  15. Correct, as of MY03 Boxster ParkAssist gets it's own bumper.
  16. You can go up to a 235 in front with no rubbing and a 285 in the rear with no problems. You want to stay within 1-2% increase/decrease tire diameter (height).
  17. :welcome: Nice car... but then I'm partial ;)
  18. No, it just means that hte small amount of fluid in the ABS system is not bled unless you have the Durametric Software or a PST2 or PIWIS tester hooked up to open the ABS valve/pump. I have bled brakes many times without worrying about the ABS with no ill affects.
  19. http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?a...mp;showfile=947
  20. Laws vary by country... In what country? P0430 TWC Conversion, Bank 2 – Above Limit P1115 Oxygen Sensor Heating Ahead of TWC, Bank 1 – Above Limit Odd that it is reporting a cat problem on one bank (2) and an O2 sensor heater problem on the other bank (1). I would put a PST2 or PIWIS on the car and see if there are other codes...
  21. Cab is heavier - roughly 91 kg (about 200 lbs) Tip adds another 54 kg (about 120 lbs)
  22. There are different springs (standard and sport) depending on coupe or cab or Targa. As well 2WD or 4WD and 6-speed vs Tiptronic. They are vehicle weight matched. Do you know what model specs they came from - and what are the model specs you want to fit them to?
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