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Everything posted by Loren

  1. It depends... there are two switches on the clutch pedal. One switch for the start interlock and one for cruise control. If the clicking is "heavier" than a switch or there is any binding then something else is wrong.
  2. Where is the engine from? Factory rebuilt? 3rd party? What kind of warranty will they offer?
  3. http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?s...ost&p=17285
  4. Unless the Actron has changed it can not turn off air bag codes. Where are you located? Perhaps someone close has tool to clear it for you.
  5. You left the key in the ignition didn't you? ;) When you put the key in the ignition switch it activated the air bag circuit (without turning it). You will need the Durametric Software, a PST2 or PIWIS tester to turn the air bag light off.
  6. I don't Porsche makes them available for US dealers stock anymore (that was the last I heard). You might get lucky and find a dealer with some still in stock or get a dealer to order from Europe.
  7. IMHO... not unless someone put in the wrong spark plugs.
  8. See the quick solution here.
  9. Okay, this problem is now fixed. Sorry, for the inconvenience. If you want to correct the problem immediately (instead of waiting for your cookie to timeout) just: 1. Clear cookies in your browser for RennTech.org. 2. Delete your browser cache and close your browser. 3. Re-open your browser and login again. You should now stay logged in unless you don't visit the site within 7 days (most folks do).
  10. Sure... you could break the window, jam the window, tear up the rubber molding, etc., etc. The fit around the window is critical to the it closing properly, not leaking, not causing noise. So adjustments should be made very carefully (IMHO).
  11. Sorry, the problem of not remembering you after closing your browser is a new problem with the board. The company that makes the software just did an update to the software and that got broken somehow in the process. I suspect they will have a fix for it sometime early next week. Please be patient until then.
  12. http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?s...ost&p=11090
  13. :welcome:
  14. Try 5329
  15. The Retail Price Search feature (for our Contributing Members) has been updated to reflect February 2007 pricing for the US (only). We try and update this on a monthly basis as the price lists come available to us. For February 2007 the price lists support - US: 210,459 parts Canada: 209,209 parts (December 2006)
  16. Front 9 J x 20 H2, RO 60 Part Nos. 955.362.140.60 9A1 14 and 7L5.601.025.F14 955.362.140.909A1 and 7L5.601.025.K Rear 10 J x 20 H2, RO55 Part Nos. 955.362.142.009A1 and 7L5.601.025.Q
  17. Try 4374 if that doesn't work then as Tool Pants said "sometimes it just doesn't work".
  18. Model and year of your car?
  19. There are two sensors in front of each cat two sensors behind each cat. The two in front are the same and the two behind are the same.
  20. Let's get back on topic folks - or this topic will be closed.
  21. Probably not. If you can't feel it then it is likely the tach. It might straighten itself out or it might get worse. Next time you are in to your dealer point it out to them so you go on record during the warranty period.
  22. Sorry, I misunderstood - I thought you had a hesitation in the powerband -- ignore my comment about that. I think your idle is within spec. You might try a bottle of Chevron Techron to clean the idle circuit. How many miles on your car? If you have over 40,000 miles you could have some carbon build-up on the throttle butterfly. If that is the case then you might want to get some spray carb/fuel injector cleaner and remove the air cleaner and clean the throttle butterfly. Especially the inside. That process is covered elsewhere here and is the same as it was on the 996 (or 986).
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