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Everything posted by Loren

  1. Not as long as the chip is not right in front of the sensor.
  2. Yes, if you just plug them in they will work. If you want the low beam to rotate up with the high beam (like the factory units) then you will need to splice in the control units. Search here for a link to the TSB describing the full install.
  3. Looks like that thing needs headers and a sport exhaust to me... :lol: :lol: :lol:
  4. Maybe a dealer will let you compare parts?
  5. It comes up as "unknown part number" in the system. What is it or where did it come from? The first part of the under is consistent with a 993 coil spring (set).
  6. The switch is on the brake pedal (under the dash).
  7. Have you tried asking the Durametrric folks? They usually answer emails pretty fast.
  8. I wave or flash my headlights and about half the Porsche drivers look at me like "do I know you?" and don't reciprocate :lol: Oh well, I'll just continue to be the idiot that flashes and waves at other Porsche owners (my 30th year as Porsche owner and 29 years in PCA).
  9. Start - stop, start - stop , start - stop.... different faults takes differing amounts of the drive cycles to clear. You can also clear them with the Durametric Software, or find a shop or dealer with a PST2 or PIWIS tester.
  10. The Durametric Software is based on the exact same tests (and result codes) that are run with Porsche's proprietary PST2 and PIWIS systems. The general market scanners are intended for "all cars" and don't have the additional model specific information that the Durametric, PST2, and PIWIS have.
  11. Sorry, I had a typo in the part number. I see a retail price of $382.63 each - so Sunset's price should be good.
  12. There is only one seal (gasket) that goes all the way around the front and the side windows for the hardtop.
  13. 996.631.036.00 reflector - right side (for car without headlight washers) 996.631.036.01 reflector - right side (for car with headlight washers)
  14. I assume the tool can be had from a dealer. Any idea what it costs? Or does anyone have one I can borrow? Jeff (Tool Pants) has one.
  15. 997.111.105.00 -- exhaust manifold cylinders 1-3 (X51) 997.111.106.00 -- exhaust manifold cylinders 4-6 (X51)
  16. http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=50
  17. http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=7592
  18. The only reason I've seen to replace rotors is that they are beyond the wear limit or have cracks beyond spec. I suggest getting a second opinion from an independent shop in your area. You can check with your local PCA for "reputable" independent shops in your area.
  19. I can't remember if you press the tabs or pull the tabs on the sides of the radio. You don't need the keys to put it back in (just take it out).
  20. How can they tell your flywheel is bad without seeing it or testing it? Porsche had a TSB telling dealers to stop replacing flywheels that had nothing wrong with them (under warranty). Is this Niello Porsche? TSB 8/02 1360 Dual Mass Flywheel Check Procedure -- dated 12-13-2002 "Dual mass flywheels which have been returned under warranty to the Porsche AG Service Test Center are subsequently tested for proper function by the manufacturer. Test results have shown that, apart from a few exceptions, the dual mass flywheels involved in complaints are determined to be in proper working order. On page 2 you will find a check procedure for the assessment of DMFs involved in complaints."
  21. Does your window go all the way up (like it is supposed to) with the soft top?
  22. Use the Quick Menu and choose External Paint Colors.
  23. Please do not double or triple post. You posted this request THREE times. Please re-read the board Rules/Guidelines.
  24. In My Humble Opinion
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