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Everything posted by Loren

  1. The gas cap problem was a mandatory US Recall. So the original owner should have got a postcard and the next visit to any dealership should have had it replaced. They were also required to put a recall compliance sticker on the underside of the engine cover. I got mine replaced in July 2002.
  2. Esso ATF LT 71141 is correct Porsche Part Number: 999.917.547.00
  3. Anything different of you jiggle the key in the ignition? If so, it is likely the switch.
  4. I would look at the heat shield on that side first then the muffler.
  5. Try locking the car using the key - then unlock it using the key. Try to start it again. Then see if the symptoms change...
  6. There are both acceleration sensors and level sensors in the rollover control circuit. Sounds like like you were hit hard enough to lift the car high enough to trigger the level sensor(s). You can have a dealer or shop with a PST2 or PIWIS tester check and see what sensor (or condition) triggered the rollover bars activation. They need to read the "Events" section of the rollover protection controller.
  7. I don't think there is an exact cut off but it will not have MY04 or MY05 for sure. Like Porsche's service manuals they are constantly adding to the features support. IMHO you really want version 24 if you are planning on any programming changes.
  8. http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?s...ost&p=45967
  9. Potential causes for P1119: - Contact resistance. - Heating resistance too high. - Open circuit in heating current circuits. - Open circuit in H02S signal wire. - Short to B+ (output stage cut off). I would check the wiring going to your MAF sensor too.
  10. You need to remove the speaker covers to get at the BOSE mounting screws.
  11. You need to find the source of your leak. If it is external - that is actually good. A bad hose, or radiator, or coolant tank, or cap are cheap compared to coolant in your oil. I would pressure test the coolant system (to locate the leak) and I would change the oil and look for coolant in the oil (not a good sign - but if the oil is clear of coolant then you can be pretty sure that the leak is external).
  12. $247 US plus shipping. http://www.durametric.com/buy.aspx
  13. 996.106.011.54 water pump 996.106.340.54 gasket
  14. If you are replacing a BOSE amp it will be plug n play. If your car did not have an amp you will need the correct fiber optic (MOST) cable(s) and a PIWIS (or PST2) to turn on the feature.
  15. 996.645.333.04 was replaced by 996.645.333.05 which was replaced by 996.645.333.07. So, 996.645.333.07 is the latest version.
  16. Depends on what you want to do on how new a car. Version 24 is the last (latest version) and it was reissued to fix the bug.
  17. The O2 sensors report the problem - but are rarely the cause of the problem - especially when you have other symptoms like smoke. As wvicary said we need your fault codes (all of them).
  18. Not that I am aware of. The only seat option was a thinner seat cushion that helped some drivers. I have suggested (and I am sure many others have too) that Bre-Krause should make seat rails for the standard seats in in the 9x6 series. Currently the only way you can lower the seats ins the Brey-Krause seat rails for aftermarket seats. Some folks find that the delete (lower) center console helps with leg room.
  19. In most cases (that I am aware of) the resonance comes from after market exhausts.
  20. Most likely yes. Especially if you are having any other strange electrical problems. http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=493
  21. http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=7592
  22. Yes, Litronics (the early Xenon) can be switched. What ever position they are in flip the lever to the other position.
  23. It is not a Porsche special tool. They should be commercially available at tool stores and auto parts stores (that carry tools).
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