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Everything posted by Loren

  1. I just noticed this - it has been moved.
  2. My bad I was looking at the Boxster S. On the Boxster S they are the same as the Carrera. A standard Boxster is different.
  3. A CDR-??? And do you have an amp?
  4. hey loren ihave a 996 c4s 05 which wiring harness can i use or how do i rewire the stock If you are using a Porsche Aerokit package then the harness above is included. If you are using an after market spoiler - the above harness should also work for most.
  5. For a MY05 C4S you will need to buy the small rear light harness - one per side. 996.631.447.00 tail light wiring harness (for both left and right - 2 required)
  6. For what model? what model year? Left or right? or do you mean center brake light? Please be more specific...
  7. I think Tool Pants posted a picture of the that measurement once before but I can't find it now. Basically, it if you put your micrometer on a horizontal fixed point (like a jack stand or attach it to a suspension piece) so that it just touches the rotor. Then you slowly rotate the rotor -- the variation should be less than the spec above. So that is really rotor wobble. Some more sophisticated micrometers can measure both sides at the same time.
  8. Most folks just put a piece of tape to mark where the old ones are - then put the new ones on using the tape mark. If you have already removed the old ones then you will need to find another Boxster to measure on (as that measurement is not specified in the service manual).
  9. For the Cayenne V6 Brake disc thickness, new front - 32 mm rear - 28 mm Minimum brake disc thickness after machining (see my note below) front - 31.6 mm rear - 27.6 mm Brake discs minimum thickness front - 30 mm rear - 26 mm Lateral runout of the brake disc, max. 0.03 mm Lateral runout of the wheel hub, max. 0.01 mm Lateral runout of the brake disc when installed, max. 0.06 mm Note- What the "Minimum brake disc thickness after machining" number says to me is that you can't machine these discs. If you add to wear to the minimum number there is no room to machine them.
  10. My parts list only shows the GT3RS Club Sport roll cage in black. Who told you that they come in orange? Do you know the option number of the seats - because there are GT3 bucket seats and Carrera GT bucket seats. Both in cloth or alcantara/leather.
  11. TP, I'm curious what it was about the Porsche protectant you didn't like? I masked off my top and unloaded a full can on the cleaned top. It seems to work pretty well for me. Also, you mentioned the 3M Scotchguard. I wanted to use that a couple years ago, so I called them to ask but they did not recommend it for convertible tops. Have you found one that is specifically recommended for tops? Give me a break... Tool Pant's top is only up on his Boxster the 2 days a year it rains in San Jose... :lol: :lol: :lol: Come to think of it - I'm not sure he has a top -- I've never seen it up!
  12. :lol: My first Porsche was a MY74 914 2.0 that was an RoW car. All RoW 914's were co-badged (as far as I know) so my 914 2.0 also had the VW logo. I'll see if I can did up a pic or two...
  13. I got my cayenne manual in 2002 at introduction so it is not likely up to date with the newer Cayenne brakes. Let me see if I can get a supplement or update...
  14. It should include all the Major Maintenance shown here. Plus any of the Additional Maintenance (for 30,000 miles) shown here. If that price includes parts and labor - you might want to shop around. BTW... a 3rd party shop can likely do the same work for much less and your warranty will still be valid as long as you have a receipt for what was done.
  15. C4S (only) Brake disc thickness, new front 34mm rear 28 mm Minimum brake disc thickness after machining (brake disc must only be reworked symmetrically) front 32.6 mm rear 26.6 mm Brake disc wear limit front 32.0 mm rear 26.0 mm
  16. If you do a search I am sure we've posted the factory settings here before...
  17. Loren- How comprehensive is this information? Specifically if I wanted to have the wiring layout of my car. Is it worth the 110 bucks for the doc or is it vague like a Chilton's manual would be for other cars? In the coming weeks I will be putting in my own stereo and it may or may not be of value to me. What's your opinion? Well, you will all the schematics for your model year car - for $110. If there were any updates later (like there are to the other sections of the manuals) it would cost you another $110 to get them again. For a MY03 Targa you will get 53 pages of schematics that have pretty much all the detail. The schematics contain wiring for all options so if you don't have an option you will have to look closer and make sure you are choosing the right path. Since they have a sample of the table of contents (for free) here is a copy of the TOC for a MY03 Carrera (including Targa). MY03_Circuit_diagram_for_911_Carrera__996__TOC.pdf
  18. http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?a...DE=02&cat=5
  19. Yes, for the PSE. Or you can add the switch later (some wiring required).
  20. You are correct. If there is no connection to the speed sensor (Signal A) then the exhaust never gets a signal to close the valves and they are always open. The switch can be wired to be a "manual speed sensor" in the sense that you can have the switch turn the exhaust from open to closed.
  21. The hold-down springs are the same on the Boxster and Carrera - but other parts are not. Those are just hold-down springs - if the old ones are not damaged then I would reuse them.
  22. LOL... my image is from Porsche's Boxster Service Manual. 4 and 5 are the return springs. You just put everything in place as shown and use hold down springs (6) to hold them in place. Center everything the best you can then carefully slide the rotor/drum on. One the rotor/drum is in place it keep everything from flying apart. When you both side done you will need to go through the individual shoe adjustment using a screwdriver through the hole in the rotor. With a screwdriver, adjust the adjustment fixture through a threaded wheel bolt hole until the wheel can no longer be turned. Next, turn back the adjustment fixture through 5 notches again (release approx. 3 notches until the wheel can be turned freely, then release another 2 notches). Repeat the procedure on the other wheel. You should also adjust the cable tension at the handbrake inside the car. You may have to first release tension on the cable to do the adjustment above.
  23. The only thing you can do is see if another car at the dealership does the same thing. If it does then you are likely stuck with the issue. If not, then you get your dealership to change it out - under warranty.
  24. Because all the "00" caps leak.
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