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Everything posted by Loren

  1. I believe the brakes on the 2S are the same as the (mk2) 996 GT3 - so that would be: Brake disc thickness, new front 34mm rear 28 mm Brake discs minimum thickness front PCCB = 33.5 mm steel = 32.0 mm rear PCCB = 27.5 mm steel = 26.0 mm Thickness tolerance of the brake discs, max. 0.02 mm Lateral runout of the brake disc, max. 0.03 mm Lateral runout of the wheel hub, max. 0.03 mm Lateral runout of the brake disc when installed, max. 0.06 mm
  2. Then you likely have the wrong type of battery. All batteries vent gases (acid gas). Since this is inside your trunk area you really want a battery with an external vent connection (and that tube connected). http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?s...ost&p=14446
  3. Factory rotors and calipers or after market?
  4. I can remove the rear center console in about 5 minutes (I done too many B&M short shifter installs -- LOL)
  5. There is no way to do it without removing the rear center console (which is not as hard as you might think). The DIY instructions are here.
  6. :thumbup:
  7. I think you are going to have to drop into a shop and see if someone will let you measure one.
  8. Those will all fit fine. Alcantara is readily available but I think red stiching would be special order. Check them out at: Carnewal.com
  9. If you want rotor specs I will need model year and exact model...
  10. I wouldn't worry about 5525 - every TT w/Tip I have looked at had that same code. The car will run at low RPMs fine with the MAF disconnected. What you will lose is high RPM - but the turbo may mask that somewhat. It sure sounds like you have no MAF signal and any dealer should be able to test that easily with a PST2 or PIWIS tester. If it is not the MAF then they should be looking at the connector and wiring or the throttle jacking. The diagnostic manuals lists: P0103 - Possible fault cause -Intake air system on pressure side (between turbocharger and engine) leaks - Short circuit to B+ (B+ is + 12 volts) - Mass air flow sensor faulty - Throttle jacking unit faulty The reading on a Porsche System Tester should tell them if the MAF is changing with engine speed (intake air flow).
  11. I think so - but Richard Hamilton should be able to tell you for sure.
  12. Are you sure the MAF id connected -- you get the same symptom if you unplug the MAF.
  13. We have added the MY08 Owners Manuals for: MY08 Cayenne S Owners Manual MY08 Cayenne Turbo Owners Manual Enjoy... :) (edit: also added Cayenne PCM Manual)
  14. Do you have a picture of the pattern (so I get the right wheels)? Are these the 19" Turbo-1 wheels?
  15. Tool Pants covered the whole (wiper delay) thing here
  16. You can get them from Becker for under $2.00 each (last time I checked) plus shipping. You can also usually find them on eBay for $10.00 or more! Where are you located? another member here might loan you their set... Thanks, Loren. What are they actually called so I can do a search online. Clear Lake, Houston, TX if anyone is near me, please let me help me out. Becker radio keys. (photo 1 courtesy - Tool Pants, photo 2 courtesy Tom Morris)
  17. These are all special order items. Try Sunset Imports (Porsche Parts at Dealer Cost) for prices and delivery.
  18. Well, there are still a lot of variables that make up the "odd and ends". How many plastic rivets will you break taking the wheel well liners off? What type of front bumper will you use? some will require different mounting hardware. Do you have the (pin removal) tools for the electrical re-wiring? and possibly plug/socket replacements. Porsche does not make a kit - so any kit will be after market -- my guess is you will still have some fitting to do.
  19. Might I ask why you want 997 mufflers on a 996? I don't think the sound would be much different - since the engine is the same.
  20. You can get them from Becker for under $2.00 each (last time I checked) plus shipping. You can also usually find them on eBay for $10.00 or more! Where are you located? another member here might loan you their set...
  21. You will need front fenders, bumper, headlights (and re-wiring) plus some small odds and ends. It can be done - but it won't be cheap.
  22. http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?s...ost&p=43016
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