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Everything posted by Loren

  1. My advice is to take it to an alignment specialist and have him check the front end.
  2. I don't see one. I think they are a MotorSport part anyway (like the roll cage). You may have to contact Porsche MotorSport.
  3. It is just a foam piece covered with carpet that just pulls out (just like the 996 series) http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?s...dpost&p=615
  4. Thanks! :thumbup:
  5. I send you a PM...
  6. There are no gloss black PSE switches because the switch did not come out until 2002/2003 time frame - when all the switches were matte finish.
  7. To turn the blower off - - make sure the "Auto" control is off (manual is displayed) by using the minus button to lower the speed control until all the bars disappear and the display show "oFF". The oil filer tool has been covered here many times - please do a search.
  8. Yes, the relay panel (location 1) is just above the fuses.
  9. On a RHD car it will be on the right side footwell (opposite of a LHD car).
  10. 1/00 7018 Noises In The Dashboard Area -- dated 6-30-2000 You do realize that only Contributing Members can view TSBs here?
  11. :thumbup:
  12. Open the bleed valve and drive the car for a few days that way -- checking daily to add coolant as needed. This is the slow but easy way to bleed the system.
  13. 996.573.111.03 replaced 996.573.111.02. Either will work.
  14. There is an 8 page TSB that describes how to fix all the different dash noises. Basically, they use felt tape (2 widths), sponge rubber tape and tie-wraps.
  15. The newer style release lever was installed beginning in April 2000 so you should have the newer one. I guess it could still be bad...
  16. What model year is your car? There was a TSB for some MY99 and older cars that had a bad clutch actuator arm (it squeaked).
  17. When you read the actual codes (with a PST2 or Durametric Software) it tells you exactly what caused the the airbag light fault.
  18. I usually can find it at Kragen or Autozone.
  19. If is says "Superceded" here that means that it has been replaced. We have the latest TSBs (that Porsche has sent to us as a subscriber) - sometimes direct connect dealers get new TSBs electronically a little earlier than we do.
  20. There should be very little pressure released when the car is cold. The pressure will vary as to how the car has sat without being run. A leak is not normal.
  21. Chuck Jones and I did this last Thursday. Chuck took lots of pics so I will write up a DIY soon. See some of my comments here.
  22. I'm also waiting. If you look at my other post - RFM from Belgium thinks that the canister is held in by rubber grommits and the single bolt on the side. But we will see - :) Chuck Jones and I did this last Thursday. Chuck took lots of pics so I will write up a DIY soon. See some of my comments here.
  23. ..it's the version with the nav DVD drive in the front trunk so must be PCM 2.1 so what you think, D.I.Y. software and ebay or expensive trip down to porsche? Cheers Dean Again, it will depend on the on both your hardware version and firmware version. It sounds like you have the newer hardware - so check you firmware version (described in the PCM manual) and then compare with the TSBs here.
  24. If you are really concerned you should drain the oil and look for signs of coolant. If the oil is clean you can just put it back in.
  25. Was it really oil or carbon? If it was oil you have another problem. If it was carbon then just clean everything and if the ICV does not move freely it will need to be replaced.
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