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Everything posted by Loren

  1. Well, 1/4 inch is likely enough if the window is moving evenly. Mine moves between 1/4 and 1/2 inch. Do both windows do the same? Does the curve of the window match the curve of the top? (if not the lateral adjustment may be off) Or, does the window stick out and away from the chassis door gasket?
  2. For what model year please?
  3. Do not ground the gray/pink wire as that is the speed signal from the cluster that is used by other systems. If you want to hear the exhaust with no cutout then do not connect the gray/pink wire.
  4. Here are all the tests you can perform on the purge valve (since you did not say what your fault code was): Check purge air line for blockage. 1. Remove front right-hand wheel housing liner. 2. Detach purge air line (connection face up) from EVAP canister. 3. Blow through purge air line with compressed air. Check voltage supply for EVAP canister purge valve. 1. Remove connector of EYAP canister purge valve. 2. Connect voltmeter (positive) to EYAP canister purge valve connector, pin 1, and ground. 3. Switch on the ignition. Display: battery voltage Check EVAP canister Purge valve. 1. Remove connector of EVAP canister purge valve. 2. Connect ohmmeter to EVAP canister purge valve pins 1 and 2. Display: 26 ± 4 ohms at 20°C. Check triggering wire for EVAP canister purge valve. 1. Remove connector of EVAP canister purge valve. 2. Connect special tool 9616 to wiring harness (DME control module connector). 3. Connect ohmmeter to EVAP canister purge valve, pin 2, and special tool 9616, pin 61. Display: 0 - 5 ohms Check triggering wire for EVAP canister purge valve for short circuit to B+. 1. Remove connector of EVAP canister purge valve. 2. Connect special tool 9616 to wiring harness (DME control module connector), 3. Connect voltmeter (positive) to EVAP canister purge valve connector, pin 2, and ground. 4. Switch on the ignition. Display: 0 V If battery voltage is displayed, check wiring harness for chafing and pinching damage. Check triggering wire for EVAP canister purge valve for short circuit to ground. 1. Remove connector of EVAP canister purge valve. 2. Connect special tool 9616 to wiring harness (DME control module connector). 3. Connect ohmmeter to EVAP canister purge valve connector, pin 2, and ground. Display: infinite ohms If 0 to 5 ohms is displayed, check wiring harness for chafing and pinching damage
  5. When you lift the door handle the window should always drop about 1/2 inch. When the door is open it should stay down (that 1/2 inch) until the door is closed then it should raise back up to the fully closed position. My understanding is that there are two microswitches that control those functions - the one on the door handle tells the window to lower and the one in the lock mechanism tells the window when the door is shut. The switches are not adjustable and would need to be replaced if those functions are not working correctly. If the other window operation is normal you can likely rule out a bad window regulator.
  6. 996.641.117.03.70C is a direct replacement for 996.641.117.00.70C. Until your new is coded properly I do not know what it will do - remember your old cluster is coded for your car.
  7. He should be able to tell (with his PST2) if it is a cluster problem or a brake sensor.
  8. Yes. You also need him to use his PST2 to transfer the settings from your old cluster to your new (used) cluster.
  9. Mike, How do you get the dicount? I don't see it offered anywhere on the site (May 2)! I see the 996 version only goes up to '98. Just curious, do you know if it's good for the '99 as well? Thanks! That previous post was from May 2006 -- they have added a great deal to the software since then and cover many more model years and cars. I think you may have misread the cars covered. It is: 1996-1998 Porsche 993 and 1999-2004 Porsche 911 (996) plus many more...
  10. There is no weight sensor in the 996. The airbag uses the seat belt buckle to tell if someone is in the seat - that is why you need the special bar and programming when you use a child seat. So if you disconnect the seat belt buckle you will get an airbag (warning) light -- but the airbag will still deploy on a signal from the trigging unit. (Assuming the airbag itself has not also been disabled). If you put in a racing seat and racing harness you will need to get a spare belt end to put in the buckle or wire in a resister to simulate the buckle connected. If you are just driving on the street I suggest you stay with the factory belt/buckle system.
  11. Well, folks have bought the switch for under $10 on eBay and not much more than that at an Audi dealer. A good tech can change the switch in 5 minutes -- I've see them do it.
  12. The only other recall for MY03 TT was for a power steering hose (leaking) issue.
  13. Model Year? (it does make a difference)
  14. http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?s...ost&p=28639
  15. In the 997 and 987 the windows are managed through a controller in each door. I am still checking but it looks like the controllers in the Cayman and 997 are the same. If that is the case then it is a programming issue.
  16. Should be inexpensive - just tighten the bolts.
  17. 986 Boxster, 996 Carrera, 996 GT3, 996 TT, 996 GT2 all use the same crummy ignition switch. There is plenty of information here including different switch numbers as well as installation tips.
  18. Actually N-spec as defined by Porsche means: So I think it is more of a case that they have to be "Porsche tested - and approved". Contributing Members can read the Porsche N-Spec fact sheet in the Contributing Members forum.
  19. viper501 is correct - you will need a new DME and some wiring that is missing to make it run right. Todd Holyoak has written some DIY tips for a conversion for a Boxster. The good news is that you won't have to move any fuel rails (the engine faces the opposite direction in a Boxster). Todd's write is here.
  20. Please try using search next time - there is a whole section on this... http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=7592
  21. What year is your car? ( so we know the DME version) and is it a C2 or C4?
  22. One of the most common causes is loose swaybar mounts.
  23. If you have the new shifter installed (the inside version) then the tool will do you no good - it doesn't fit the new shifter rod. If you count the threads from the connector end the left (reverse) cable is usually 4-5 threads and the right is usually 6-7 threads - at least in my experience. That should get you pretty close. If that doesn't work then you will likely have to borrow a standard shifter from someone - install it - then use the tool to align the cables.
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