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Everything posted by Loren

  1. To my knowledge the 550 Special Edition comes with a short-shifter. You want it shorter than that? The parts list does not show a different muffler for the 550 (from the S).
  2. Try 5274 and if that doesn't work try 5272
  3. You need an OBD II tool that can read the cars mixtures and air flow (TRA, FRA, MAF air flow). Without these diagnostics you are shooting in the dark.
  4. http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=7592
  5. Always try the re-training part first. My sunroof is strange it "loses it" about twice a year. I re-train it and it is fine for 6 months again.
  6. Ken Gorin's response here is a good sign - at least I think so. Now if he and his company make things right for gittledog I will be even more impressed. gittledog - Please let us know the outcome to this unfortunate situation.
  7. www.carcareonline.com had it previously and they still have the clear coat. You might try emailing them about the silver.
  8. Are the M030 the same shocks n springs in the 996 Turbo? I was also thinking of going that route and was not sure they are compatible with standard Carreras, especially C4. I like the stock ride and wanted to just lower my ride on 19s. May have to go with springs only. No, an M030 is going to match the specific chassis you have. You could go with shorter springs - I like the fact that Porsche's kits match the shocks, swaybars, and springs.
  9. Ken, You are welcome to to post your comments or response here as long as it is not personal (see our board rules). Some clarifying points: 1. This is not Rennlist -- this is RennTech.org. 2. No one here has made any personal comments about you or your family. Please correct these mis-statements in your posting -- or I will be forced to delete your post (again please see our board rules).
  10. Porsche Parts at Dealer Cost (Sunset Imports) -- just click on the link at the center top of any page...
  11. Yes, the rubber pedal pad comes off on a 997 Tip.
  12. Option M413 - 7.5 x 18 Turbo Look wheels These will fit the front of any 986 Boxster or 996 Carrera.
  13. There was a windshield change based on VIN. Window sealant is also shown in the parts list below. 993_windshields.pdf The Bostic 6050 is used to fill gaps between glass and body (after a repair) - according to the TSB.
  14. If the the only time it rises to 95C is when stopped in traffic I would not worry about it. You are only 1 degree C above normal in highway driving.
  15. I found an old TSB that says: "...the gap between the glass edge and the car body should be sealed with Bostic 6050 (999.915.299.40)."
  16. If you do not feel comfortable doing this procedure please take your car to a shop that has experience doing this. This is straight from the factory manual. Bleeding the spoiler pump unit 1. Pulling out pump Pull hydraulic cylinder 2 out to the dimension Y = 35 +2 mm . To do this, connect 12 V to the pump. Observe polarisation arrangement A. 2. Bleeding short hydraulic line Slowly tighten short hydraulic line 4 until the hydraulic cylinder 2 moves. If the hydraulic cylinder has reached the lower mechanical stop inset X, push back onto the stop if necessary, hydraulic lines must be laid parallel to each other inset Z. Tighten banjo bolt 3. Tightening torque: 15 Nm (11 ftlb.) 3. Bleeding long hydraulic line Slowly tighten long hydraulic line 5 until the hydraulic cylinder 2 moves. If the hydraulic cylinder has reached the lower mechanical stop inset X, push back onto the stop if necessary, hydraulic lines inset Z must be laid parallel to each other. Tighten banjo bolt 3. Tightening torque: 15 Nm (11 ftlb.) Note: Use only Pentosin CHF 11 S (or it's replacement).
  17. That is a little high. I would make sure both fans are running. Sometimes a ballast will go out and only one fan works then.
  18. Yes, Have a look at Robin Sun's mod for the 993 here
  19. How to Replace the Ignition Switch
  20. Hey I don't make those decisions Porsche does... All the aluminum/leather stuff is hand made as etc., etc.
  21. From your model year order guides it would be any option starting with "X".
  22. Perhaps this will help... 1. Recirculating air valves 2. T−piece 3. Recirculating air valve hose 4. Air hose 5. Recirculating air valve hose 6. Pipe 5 x 1 x 250 7. Curved hose 8. Pipe 5 x 1 x 245 9. Four−way branch piece 10. Pipe 5 x 1 x 250 11. Three−way branch piece 12. Pipe 4 x 1 13. Distributor pipe 14. Vacuum accumulator 15. Combination valve for secondary air 16. Fuel pressure regulator 17. Electric switch−over valve for secondary air 18. Pipe 4 x 1 x 350 19. Pipe 4 x 1 x 500 20. Pipe 4 x 1 x 500 21. Curved protective hose 22. Check valve
  23. Consider the RoW Sport Suspension (M030). That kit will lower 20 mm in the front and 10 mm in the rear. Kits can be had for around $1000 but you will need to install it and get an alignment also.
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