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Everything posted by Loren

  1. I run 32 front and 36 rear. I look for the best handling for my type of driving. I do not worry about wear. I don't think there is anything you can do to get even wear with these cars and the amount of negative camber you need for performance. The rear tires will wear faster -- 911's have been this way since the mid 80's.
  2. There is a 9 page TSB for various dash noises. Most of the fixes involve felt tape, foam padded tape and teflon tape.
  3. This particular one is the headlight connection.
  4. Item 7 in the diagram in this thread. Be careful not to damage the paper gasket (item 4).
  5. Sounds like two problems to me. One is that if the car runs better (other than idle) with the MAF disconnected then you likely need a new MAF. The idle condition on your MY99 C2 could be caused by carbon buildup on the throttle butterfly and the Idle Control Valve (ICV). Clean both with some carb/fuel injector cleaner. Make sure the ICV moves freely - if not it will need to be replaced too.
  6. If they are really dirty or never been cleaned then I suggest you remove the front bumper and then clean the AC condensers and radiators behind them. Removing the front bumper is less than a 15 minute job.
  7. I would start looking for poor/corroded ground connections. They are fairly common in those cars as they age.
  8. In most cases the sunroof frame needs to come out.
  9. Yes. 996.631.245.00 is for the left side 996.631.246.00 is for the right side
  10. Ok, that makes more sense now. A few months ago we updated the software here and it added some new security features. One of which is a "stronghold cookie". This type of cookie identifies the machine you are on and stores it along with your info. It has some other features that I would rather not elaborate on - since these are for added security and keep people from stealing your cookie (at some other site). If it really bothers everyone then I can turn the stronghold cookie feature "off" - but then your cookie would revert back to a standard (unprotected) cookie.
  11. There are several TSBs for sunroof issues. Most of the noise issues are solved with telfon tape and felt tape.
  12. 996.555.083.02 plus your color
  13. What browser, browser version, OS, OS version are you using?
  14. The recall was for specific VINs - in the US a "recall" is a government required action on any safety concern. Generally, when Porsche finds a safety concern they usually require a dealer action "Workshop Campaign" to fix the problem. Workshop Campaigns are usually voluntary.
  15. http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?s...post&p=2434
  16. Try deleting the cookie in your browser. You will have to login again. But that should cure it.
  17. This has been covered here many times -- please do a Search.
  18. I have added the PCNA CPO Warranty Brochure here.
  19. If it is the one I think you are describing then it is the oil pressure sender. It is a tight fit but if you go at it vertically it can removed and replaced.
  20. The senders are known to sometimes leak.
  21. 996.347.011.05 was replaced by 996.347.011.06 which was replaced by 996.347.011.07. So 996.347.011.07 is the latest. You will also need: 997.347.373.00 sealing ring (2 required) 996.347.293.04 clamping ring (2 required) 996.347.191 04 bellows (2 required)
  22. Well, there is the hand crank for the sunroof (see your owners manual). I would be careful - if it binds too much stop. A shop with a PST2 or PIWIS can diagnosis the sunroof microswitches to see if one of them has failed. I suggest that. If one fan on one side stopped then it could be fuse (Right - C8; Left - C10), or a bad ballast, or a bad fan. If it is not the fuse then have the shop with the PST2 check then fan circuits too -- and the CEL fault(s) while they are there.
  23. 996.505.425.00.70C Left bumper guard 996.505.426.00.70C Right bumper guard or you could by a pair of the painted ones from bumperplugs.com
  24. If those codes don't work then you will need to call Becker or a Porsche dealer and be prepared to prove ownership and pay (about $35 as I recall).
  25. Model year and model please?
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