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Everything posted by Loren

  1. N-rating does not matter with PSM - you should be concerned with rolling diameter. Stay within 2% of the factory spec and you will be fine.
  2. That might be just a subassembly number - as it does not come up in my part list.
  3. Well, there have been a number of firmware updates to solve a bunch of problems with the PCM systems. I am surprised that they haven't tried swapping headunits and amps. There have been some amp problems too that caused weird system shut downs.
  4. Front axle nut - 340 ftlbs. (460 Nm) Rear axle nut - 340 ftlbs. (460 Nm)
  5. Try 5463 or 5461
  6. Either will work fine. 996.107.225.60 replaced 996.107.225.52 (and 53)
  7. http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?s...ost&p=47193 Alos, did you see section 5 (Noise in area 5 – Creaking and/or rattling noises on the panel for passenger’s airbag.) of TSB 1/00 7018 -- dated June 30 2000?
  8. First if your battery is over 4 or 5 years old - replace it as it likely no longer taking a charge. If you are positive your battery is good then you need to put an amp meter inline with the battery. Then remove fuses one at a time until you find the fuse circuit that is drawing all of the power. Normally a 996 draws about 40-60ma (as I recall). Once you find the circuit where the drain is then it should be fairly easy to trace down the component.
  9. The MY2002 Tech Book says: Since they now have about 5 years experience on the "no change fuel filter" -- it must be working...
  10. Then you are going to need to go to a dealer or directly to Becker. Last time I checked Becker charges $35 - sometimes dealers do it for free and sometimes they charge.
  11. No sometimes my program does not work. One more... try 3363
  12. Did you check the separate headlight fuses - there is one for each side.
  13. There is a (15 page) TSB that describes installation for MY2007 and newer cars WITH PCM. I do not know if that means you can not install it in a MY06 car. You might need a PCM upgrade to install it.
  14. The EVAP canister in a a 997 is quite different than a 996. It is a rectangular box that sits in the trunk. But the functions are the same. If you disconnect it from it's mounting screws and then disconnect the electrical and vapor lines then it should come right out.
  15. If the battery is over 4 years old replace it. Have the battery tested and charged. If the problem continues I would suspect the ignition switch is bad.
  16. Exact Model? Model Year? Country?
  17. I would get it to a shop with a PST2 or PIWIS tester and have them test the sending unit circuit.
  18. More likely your code reader? What are you using?
  19. These items have been available here to Contributing Members for some time.
  20. Please try using our search feature as this has been covered before.
  21. Please try using our search feature as these have been covered before.
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