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Everything posted by Loren

  1. Two if you have cruise control - one otherwise.
  2. http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=4807 The old NAV unit comes out by removing the two switch panels on either side of the NAV and then press on the two spring clamps on either side of the NAV unit and pull it out. Be carefully of the wires connected on the back as you pull it out.
  3. Thanks! Lots of great technical contributors here. All the donation money goes into running the site (and keeping it running) -- so no beer for me. :lol:
  4. You can also PM members Itzkirb and karlooz
  5. Yes, your engine number is later so it should have the new seal.
  6. All TSBs are available here for viewing by Contributing Members. If you would like to become a Contributing Member just click on the Donate link at the top left of any page.
  7. Carefully pull the mirror glass out of the metal clips. Disconnect the electrical plug connection. Press lugs (arrows) of the lower cover and remove it. Install is the reverse.
  8. I do not see a different tip for the GT3 (standard) vs. GT3 RS in the parts list. I think the 987 tip is a single inlet that is held on with a clamp (and it just looks like it is a dual outlet). On the GT3 (997) there are actually two outlets in the muffler and the tip is held on with two hex nuts.
  9. Go to advanced search and click on the link "Advanced Usage Help". (i.e. +apple -juice --find posts with 'apple' but not 'juice'; "Some Words" --Find posts with the phrase 'some words of wisdom', 'some words' but not 'some noise words') This + and - as well as the quotes procedure is used by Google and most all the major search engines.
  10. Uh... did you check page 298 of your owners Manual?
  11. What you want does not exist. There are diagrams for the emissions side and their are diagrams for the turbocharger side - plus there are still more vacuum lines for some controls. This is should help some... (all the turbocharger connections)
  12. You can try it but I don't think it will work on a 3.4. You would need to custom program the DME.
  13. Do you have the part numbers so I can check the list?
  14. Try doing a search here next time - this has been covered many times. Hold the button to lower the window and then continue holding it another 10 seconds. Do the same for the window up again holding it for 10 seconds after it is all the way up. You one-touch operation should then be restored.
  15. It is pretty much the same as the Carrera DIY - just different part numbers.
  16. Porsche only specs for "their" wheels so you would need to try them. And, make sure you have appropriate clearances on the brake rotors, struts, brake hoses/cables, fenders, etc.
  17. Per TSB 4/06 1359 Crankshaft Seal On Flywheel Side Leaking -- dated Nov 6, 2006 New crankshaft seal on flywheel side: May 17, 2005 as of engine numbers M96/ 25 615 0851 9 (2.7 liter) M96/ 26 625 07322 (3.2 liter)
  18. Porsche only recommends 17mm spacers for certain wheels. They only go on the rear wheels. The 17 mm spacers put a bolt on ring on your rear hubs and then you use the new nuts that come with the kit (955.0446.00.23 17mm Spacer Ring, set).
  19. Sorry, no. You will need to find the cable under the right front wheel well. Do a search here - this has been covered many times.
  20. The crankshaft pulse generator position reads the gap (two missing teeth) in the flywheel ring gear. The gap produced by 2 missing teeth serves as the reference mark and lies 84° before the TDC of the 1st and 4th cylinder.
  21. Try the folks at Sunset Imports (Porsche Parts at Dealer Cost - link at the top of any page).
  22. Have them check the engine operating hours vs. the airbag operating hours using a PST2 or PIWIS.
  23. 3 spoke Vinyl Airbag for the steering wheel. Next question is why did they replace it? Because it went off in an accident?
  24. The build date is just month and year.
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