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Everything posted by Loren

  1. Try 0633 or 0631
  2. Well, it could have caused the other false readings - time will tell... but at least you have solved one problem.
  3. Try Gert at Carnewal.com. He is in Belgium and has a great reputation.
  4. The alarm box under the left hand seat is likely the factory alarm and central locking (for trunks and doors, etc.). See if you can see a part number on it.
  5. If the O2 sensor has been replaced and you still get the "signal implausible" fault then either the wiring is bad or the DME is bad. Why would you suspect the O2 sensor after the cat? It has no faults. The sensor (readings) before the cats are used to compare with the sensor after the cat (readings) and other inputs from the temperature and air flow (MAF) for the DME to adjust the mixture. So, if you were not getting the P0130 fault then I would say the MAF is faulty - but since the O2 sensor on that bank says it is shorted (either to ground or +12 volts) you can not trust the other faults because it can not get proper readings. IMHO Step 1 is still to correct the O2 sensor problem on bank 1 before the cat.
  6. Replacing the Gas Door Actuator DIY
  7. P1125 Oxygen Sensing Adaptation, Upper Load Range, Bank 1 – Above Limit This says that the DME can not make the mixture enough rich (under load) - it is sensing a lean condition that it can not compensate for. P1128 Oxygen Sensing Adaptation, Idle Range, Bank 1 – Above Limit This says that the DME can not make the mixture enough rich (at idle) - it is sensing a lean condition that it can not compensate for. P1126 Oxygen Sensing Adaptation, Lower Load Range, Bank 1 – Above Limit This says that the DME can not make the mixture enough rich (under load) - it is sensing a lean condition that it can not compensate for. P0130 Oxygen Sensor Ahead of TWC, Bank 1 – Signal Implausible This says the signal at this O2 sensor is either shorted or at battery voltage. Right now the codes say you have trouble only on bank one. Has the sensor ahead of the cat been checked/replaced? What else has been replaced at this point? Please tell me - at this point what has been changed?
  8. That would depend on if the lighter socket on the BMW is unswitched (always on). On Porsches they are always on - I know my Mercedes is the opposite (always off). So, if the lighter does not work with the ignition off and the key out -- then you won't be able to charge the battery through the lighter socket.
  9. Hmm... why not install the two part GT3 front axle strut (lower front control arms) - that can be shimmed to whatever camber you want? Did you ask TRG about that?
  10. I don't know if this diagram is much better... (item 1 is the main brake light switch). It will likely help to move or remove the duct so you can see the switches better.
  11. Well, if you have an ohm meter you can take the seat out (disconnect the electrical connectors) and test each wire for a short. It is either a shorted wire or a bad motor.
  12. http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?s...ost&p=28128
  13. A good dealer would just loan you a key to have them removed.
  14. Ask for a copy of the options list for the car.
  15. Not that I am aware of. The GT3 is Porsche's "designated" production race car.
  16. Step 1 - Remove the keep from the ignition (so you don't get an airbag light).
  17. Central Locking/Alarm.
  18. I would check for worn or bare wires under the seat. Be sure to take the key out of the ignition so you do not get an airbag light.
  19. The best (IMHO) Boxster guys in the Bay Area are RMG Enterprises in Mountain View. Talk to Bob Grigsby there and they will give you an honest evaluation on your motor mount. RMG ENTERPRISES 960 W. El Camino Real Sunnyvale, CA 94087 (408) 738-2060 For all the other stuff I have to agree - easy DIY stuff.
  20. MOST started in MY2003.
  21. Interesting - there is no switch in the pedal area on my car. Are you sure? If your Carrera has Cruise Control then you would have two switches on the brake pedal arm.
  22. XenonMods was removed from our Special Offers section here after delivery and responses became very "spotty".
  23. It is the same procedure as the 996. The clutch must be bled in the "fully depressed" position (always move it slowly by hand to avoid damaging the seals).
  24. As long as the CEL is on steady you can drive the car. If it is flashing do not drive the car. P1117 indicates you have a problem with that sensor. It could be as simple as a corroded connector, broken wire or a bad sensor. There is no need to replace any sensors other than a bad one. As I said, check the wiring first - clean the connector, reset the code and see if it comes back.
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