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Everything posted by Loren

  1. If your dealership looks at the RoW side of their parts list - the numbers are there - usually in a kit.
  2. Yes, the TSBs get updated and your owners manual does not.
  3. If you mean the coilsovers - yes and no. The GT3 is a 2WD and the TT is 4WD - so you have front and rear weight differences. The GT3 front springs are likely too light for the weight in the front of the TT. You should be able to accomplish pretty much what you want with the coilovers and swaybars.
  4. My guess would be an IMS bearing failure that took the chain with - or a piece (of something like bearing) broke off an jammed the chain. You won't really know until you open the engine.
  5. There is no need to send me 3 PM's and make a post here. If you read the Donation page we ask you to give us the email address that you used to register here (so that we can find you and upgrade your account). You were sent an email stating that we need your "registration" email also. We also state that in make take 24 hours to update you (once we have your registration email address). We are not necessarily in the same time zone as you are - and we have to sleep too. Your account has been upgraded.
  6. Yes there is a panel behind the rear seats. Please do a search here as this has been covered before.
  7. You will need to contact your dealer or Becker then.
  8. Behind the lower center console is a plug for telephone prep. On that plug is switched +12volts, unswitched +12 volts, ground and mute. A lot of folks hardware to the the unswitched +12 volts and ground.
  9. :lol: it is the other way around - Porsche leaves it powered so that you can put their trickle charger on the car.
  10. Try code 3002 or 3000
  11. These are all in PET - if you know how to look them up ;)
  12. Richard Hamilton, UkChris and I think these are correct too. 986310 US (base) Boxster 986320 US Boxster S 986330 US Anniversary Edition 986311 Germany (base) Boxster 986321 Germany Boxster S 986331 Germany Anniversary Edition
  13. If you get a ! General Warning you need to read the message on your multi-purpose display. See your owners manual for more information.
  14. DME cover http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?s...dpost&p=615
  15. The eBay fellow states it is a right front wheel carrier for a C4. C4 is 4WD and that part will not fit a C2.
  16. :welcome: 1. Plexus (sp?) is good I hear. 2. Do a search here for coolant - this has been discussed many many times. 3. Read through the whole DIY thread for additional tips and tricks. 4. Those would be the lenses/filters for the motion sensors for your alarm. Maybe try a new one and see if it fits tighter. 5. Probably the reverse light switch. This is mounted high the transmission. Do a search replacement has been covered here too.
  17. What is stored in the DME has been covered many times here. Do a search and you find many pics and explanations (search for "stage"). Rev limiters reports are done in "Stages". Stage 1 are okay as they over-revs controlled by the DME. Stage 2 and beyond are all potentially engine damaging.
  18. There were at least 5 different versions of PSE mufflers (maybe more) - all will work on your car. Just look for the PSE diverter valve like the image below.
  19. Take the face plate off and clean the contacts. If that does not work then check the back and see that all the cables are plugged in tightly.
  20. Those are standard 3.6 liter mufflers - not sport mufflers. Any Porsche sport muffler will work on your 3.4 liter car - either the 3.4 liter style or the 3.6 liter style. Only 3.6 liter cars should not use the older 3.4 liter style PSE.
  21. Please do not double post (please re-read the board Rules/Guideslines - that you agreed to when you registered). The diagnostic tool you are looking for is discussed in the thread below. http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=7592
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