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Everything posted by Loren

  1. If the cap is leaking there is usually condensation and leakage traces at the lip of the tank (where the cap fastens down).
  2. Yes, it comes out hard - with a snap. This has been covered here many many times - please do a search.
  3. Has anyone check the tank cap?
  4. Does the window act correctly when you lift the door handle? If so, then your problem is likely the window regulator.
  5. We believe those are ignitions (during overrev) - so theoretically one complete revolution would give you 6 stage 2 overrevs. At least that is what we have been told. Like it or not dealers do not like to see many (if any) stage 2 overrevs - it usually mans the car has been abused.
  6. Anti-roll bar mating bearing to spring strut (M52 x 1.5) (lock nut) - 911 GT3 -- 50 Nm (37 ftlbs). Anti-roll bar to side member M10x1.5 -- 65 Nm (48 ftlbs). Anti-roll-bar mount to anti-roll bar M10 - 911 GT3 /911 GT3 RS -- 55 Nm (41 ftlbs)* Anti-roll bar mount to spring strut M10- 911 Carrera 4/911 GT3 -- 46 Nm (34 ftlbs) Anti-roll bar mount to wheel carrier M10- 911 GT3 RS -- 50 Nm (37 ftlbs) ** * 3-stage tightening procedure. First Tighten to 50 Nm (37 fllb.). Then loosen by 90° and then tighten to 55 Nm (41 ftlb.). ** Coat threads with Loctite 243 before fitting. Tighten all threaded connections immediately.
  7. You can just use a rag folded over 4 times or so. Pushing them back in is not that hard. In Greg's picture above he is using the pliers inside so that when he opens the pliers it pushes both pistons back.
  8. Yes, it has been posted before - please do a search.
  9. It should only take a few minutes at the dealer. Even if they run a MOST system test it should be under 1 hour.
  10. I wouldn't worry about unless it does not go away.
  11. You likely need this: Replacing the Ignition Switch
  12. I have never seen a US 996 Carrera that couldn't have your OBC turned on. I have done it many many times. You should look for a new dealer or an independent shop that has a PST2 or PIWIS tester - this in not even a 5 minute job.
  13. 1. No, it is not normal. If the horn chirps then you have an open alarm zone (like the center console lid, etc.). 2. It depends, if your old switch was very worn then the new will feel tighter. You should go try a new car at the dealership. 3. Not if you just changed the electrical switch and not the lock.
  14. By "after the car warms-up" do you mean 2 minutes or 15 minutes? If it disappears after 2 minutes then that is normal. If it takes much longer it is likely a stuck lifter.
  15. Whenever a MOST device is changed (even part for part) the MOST controllers have to be re-coded to match the new hardware.
  16. The 997 and 987 use the exact same parts for the shifter. Are you sure one did not have the sport shifter?
  17. We're pretty sure they are McGard wheel locks with special key codes for Porsche.
  18. I don't think it will fit in the dash and it is a later version of the MOST bus - so I would say no.
  19. You need to have your fault codes read. Without the fault code(s) everything is just a guess.
  20. Item 1 - right side. 996.504.124.01 Right wheel hosuing liner -- MSRP $96.52 (as of June 2007)
  21. The small flap (item 7) attaches to item 1 - I thought you wanted the larger wheel liner piece. Please clarify which item(s) that you want - thanks.
  22. Are you sure your PCM2 is properly coded for telephone service? You need to have them check (with a PST2 or PIWIS) the MOST coding to make sure it is set for telephone service and that it is recognized in the MOST components test.
  23. Re-training the window had no effect?
  24. My bad... that part is for a C4S. I think for item 8 you want 996.504.604.02 Right air duct Item 2 is: 996.504.104.00 Right wheel liner
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