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Everything posted by Loren

  1. http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=185
  2. Chances are they sell the harnesses to DIY folks that don't have the pin removal tools they use in the TSB update.
  3. To know the exact cause of the "beep" zone open you will need the Durametric software, or a PST2 or a PIWIS tester. Any of those diagnostic tools will tell you exactly where the fault is.
  4. I think that would depend on the offset. The GT3 wheels should fit fine with GT3 size tires.
  5. http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?showtopic=38
  6. Loren

    mk1 flywheel

    The GT3 Mk1 and Mk2 both use the same dual-mass flywheel. The Cup Cars use a single mass flywheel.
  7. Probably not if it is a MY02 or newer. They extended the service interval. Well, I have an 04 and the dealer is insisting on changing plugs at my 30K service. They actually showed a porsche document stating that plugs are indeed to be changed at 30k Please ask them for a copy - I would like to see it. We get the same documentation the dealer gets - and ours says 60,000 (for MY01 and newer). Only the MY99 996 and 996 GT3 gets plugs at 30,000 miles.
  8. My point is that if your DTC codes are 360 and 361 then the OBD II fault codes are not P0172 and P0175.
  9. Don't you need to lock the car using the manual key and then unlock it to reset the alarm?
  10. There really isn't a point here (beyond what has been stated) - so I am going to close this thread.
  11. All this and no one has looked to see if the guide tube is crimped?
  12. The engine lid from a C4S (wide body) will not fit a C2 (narrow body) car. This has been covered here before - some folks suggested MaShaw for "llok alike" that fits.
  13. There is a very good DIY here.
  14. Please try using our search feature... http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?s...ost&p=56329
  15. Very similar yes, the same not quite. But bumper removal is still pretty straight forward using the same instructions.
  16. If P1128 or P1110 (oxygen sensing at rich threshold) is stored in the memory, this means that the fuel/air mixture is too lean. That is, the DME can not adjust for the lean condition by adding more fuel (richening). Usually caused by air leaks ahead of the O2 sensors. Porsche does not use P0172 or P0175 are OBD II codes for "too rich" a mixture.
  17. Sure, it just depends on whether you like to lie down to work. Jack stands (or ramps) just seem like a comfortable work height (while sitting down).
  18. Thanks for the input .There might be a slightly rougher idle...very imperceptible but the engine appears to run fine at higher rpms.the smoke is somewhat bluish and strong smelling but not really an oil smell.Of course running mobil 0. by the way the actual codes are p0172 and p0175 which seem to be fault codes 360 and 361 respectively ,indicating idle range banks 1 and 2 below limit. I believe you are mistaken... From the DME service manual: P1128 (DTC 360) Oxygen Sensing Adaptation, Idle Range, Bank 1 - Below Limit Possible fault causes: - Incorrect signal from MAF sensor - Intake air system leaking - Fuel pressure too low - Volume supply of fuel pump too low - Fuel injectors fouled - PCV valve leaks - Cap of oil filler neck not closed correctly or seal is damaged P1130 (DTC 361) Oxygen Sensing Adaptation, Idle Range, Bank 2 - Below Limit Possible fault causes: - Incorrect signal from MAF sensor - Fuel pressure too high - Fuel injector leaking - EVAP canister purge valve open
  19. P1128 and P1130 can be caused by a bad MAF or even a bad oil separator. Does the car run ok up to fairly high RPMs? - if not, it is likely the MAF.
  20. Probably not if it is a MY02 or newer. They extended the service interval.
  21. another radio code request for 02 996 CR 220 type 4362 ser # 25007542 24/99 thanks much Try 1428 or 1430
  22. The GT2 lip might fit but it is for a wide body car - so I am sure it would need to be bent and likely cut. If you want more of an air dam then you should go with a cup car bumper or GT3RS front air dam.
  23. No sequence is specified but I would tighten them diagonally. 10 Nm (7.5 ftlb.)
  24. The logging parameters are slightly different for DME 5.2.2, DME 7.2, DME 7.1.1, and DME 7.8. Then added many new logging features in the DME 7.8.x used in the 987 and 997 series cars. I have never seen these well written up by Porsche or Bosch.
  25. If it is clear - then it is likely water from the AC. If it greenish/yellow and smells sweet then it is coolant.
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