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Everything posted by Loren

  1. Just email them (support at durametric.com). They usually respond pretty quickly.
  2. http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?s...ost&p=46495
  3. I have already sent him what he needs.
  4. For MY01 or older: Driver's seat - 996.803.183.09, blue plug Passenger's seat - 996.803.183.10, green plug Perhaps you have the wrong one? The newer seat belt receptacles are the same except the contacts on the electrical connections/pins are gold plated to reduce corrosion. There should be no change in the seat belt chime.
  5. Yes, this is ok. Just be sure to hang them from a wire so that you do not put stress on the brake lines.
  6. Sounds like the microswitch in the door handle is bad.
  7. Where are you getting your switches from? Do they say made in China? Vibration can be caused my numerous things - like bent wheel, out of balance tire and/or wheel, worn suspension parts. I suggest that you find a good alignment shop and have them start checking.
  8. The Retail Price Search feature (for our Contributing Members) has been updated to reflect July 2007 pricing for the US (only). We try and update this on a monthly basis as the price lists come available to us. For July 2007 the price lists support - US: 213,678 parts Canada: 209,209 parts (December 2006)
  9. Don't start it - just turn it to "on" - wait at lest 1 minute then turn it off and remove the key. Now the throttle adaption is readapted.
  10. Both are 0W-40 and 5W-40 (synthetic) oils are approved.
  11. That list is out of date. The current list is dated April 11, 2007.
  12. The B&M instructions (with pictures) are quite good (and not copyrighted). You can down them here.
  13. You should be ok - as long as the CEL is not flashing.
  14. Have a look at the battery thread here. I don't worry about weight - most of us could go faster if lost 10 or 20 pounds. ;)
  15. If the battery is 4 years old or older then it needs to be replaced anyway.
  16. The code can only be in the cluster with a PIWIS tester. So you need to find an independent shop with one or go to a dealer. There is no way around this.
  17. C4S stabilizer is supposed to be the same as the C2 Coupe with sport (M030) option (according to the Technik Book).
  18. If he orders it through he RennTech.org Amazon store we get a small percentage... ;) http://www.renntech.org/forums/index.php?a...amp;code=amazon
  19. You don't say the rest of the part number for the first bar so... Standard Front 996.343.701.09 -- 23.1 mm Sport Front 996.343.701.04 -- 23.6 mm
  20. All TSBs are available here to view by our Contributing Members.
  21. You are correct there was no Turbo S in 2001. The Turbo S did not come to market until late 2004. From the press release: As with any car get a CarFax, PPI, and a warranty if possible.
  22. I've got a 05/05 build date on a 987S M96/ 26 625 G8XXX Does that put me in the category of post new seal? Not sure how to interpret the "G". Yes, you have the new seal. G8xxx is the transmission code.
  23. You are going to have to get that from the dealer. Sometime they will let you fax them proof of ownership - so you can get it by telephone.
  24. The TSB has no harnesses on it - it has you remake the ground connections under the seat and replace the receptacles.
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